

嗨,大家好,先谢谢。 如果X is 50, Y is 0 or 1, Z is some integer将数值保存到一个数字范围并根据新值更新以前保存的范围


X is 40, Y is 1, Z is 2000 


0 to 39 = -2000 and 40 to infinite = 2000 

以后如果X is 60, Y is 1 and Z is 3000


0 to 39 = -5000 
40 to 59 = -1000 
60 to infinite = 5000 



请您提供一下您的逻辑的更多描述。 –


这对我没有任何逻辑。你能解释一下吗? – Oliver


经过上述所有变化后x = 55,Y = 1,z = 2000?后的结果是什么? –


/*Your Table structure should be like this 
Here min and max are Bigint as we cannot use infinite so using the maximum value of bigint 

id min  max      value 
1 0  39      -2000 
2 40  9223372036854775807  2000 
$x= from user; 
$y=from User; 
$z=from User; 
$negZ=$z*-1; // just to make negative value of $z 
$newid=0; // we will use these for update2 as well. 
//first we will check wether the give x range is exist or not IF exist then we dont need to add any more new row 

$sql=$conn->prepare("SELECT id FROM table FROM table WHERE min=:x"); 
if($existRangeid==0)//If these range doesn't exist then we need to add new row 
    //Now we will select the column which we gonna split. 
    $sql=$conn->prepare("SELECT id, min,max,value FROM table WHERE min<:x AND max>:x"); 
     $newVal=$value + $negZ; 
    if($flag==FALSE) // IF the given $x is same as max value of any row in DB then we need to follow //following logic. 
    // as an example if $x is 39 then it will run following code 
     $sql=$conn->prepare("SELECT id, min,max,value FROM table WHERE max=:x"); // we will find the row with max value is same as given x 
      $newVal=$value + $negZ; 

     //Now we will insert new range, it will have min and max's value same. 
     //e.g. Min = 39; Max= 39; 
     $insertsql=$conn->prepare('INSERT into table(min,max,value) VALUES(:min,:max,:value)'); 
     $newid=$conn->lastInsertId(); // we will use this in Update 2 
     // Now we will update the range's max value. e.g. if x=39. first row with id 1 will now have 38 as a max value 
     $update1=$conn->prepare("UPDATE table SET max=:newmax WHERE id=:id"); 
     $update1->execute(array(':newmax'=>$newMax, ':id'=>$id)); 
     //Insert the new row with given range 
     $insertsql=$conn->prepare('INSERT into table(min,max,value) VALUES(:min,:max,:value)'); 
     $newid=$conn->lastInsertId(); // we will use this in Update 2 

     //here we will update the minmun value of the row which we split. 
     $update1=$conn->prepare("UPDATE table SET min=:min WHERE id=:id"); 
     $update1->execute(array(':min'=>$x, ':id'=>$id)); 
//if the give range exist into the system then condition id!=:newid will be id!=0 so it will update all the rows which satisfy max<:x condition. 
// IF the range doesnt exist then we wont update newly inserted row because it already contain correct value check insertsql 
$update2=$conn->prepare("UPDATE table SET value=(value+:negZ) WHERE max<:x AND id!=:newid"); 

// This will update all the ranges above given x by adding give z to the existing value 
$update3=$conn->prepare("UPDATE table SET value=(value+:z) WHERE min>=:x"); 



嗨,它给错误调用未定义的方法mysqli :: lastInsertId(), 和它不与空白表工作。 –


@EkanshJain对于mysqli你必须使用函数调用。 mysqli_insert_id($ connection_variable); 总之,你需要得到你插入的最后一行的ID。 –