







RDD主要分成数据类型RDD和键值对RDD。有一些操作可以适用于所有类型的RDD,这时候可以直接创建JavaRDD对象,例如map(),filter()等。有些操作只适用于数据类型的RDD,例如 ,这时候创建JavaDoubleRDD对象。有些操作只适用于键值对RDD,例如 ,这时候创建JavaPairRDD对象。

3.1 转化操作:

3.1.1 谱系图:



3.1.2 :

  1. 基本的转化操作(map、flatMap、filter、distinct、sample),假设RDD的数据{1, 2, 3, 3}:

  2. RDD的集合操作(union、intersection、subtract、cartesian),两个RDD分别是{1,2,3}、{3,4,5}:

函数名 作用 例子 运行结果
map() Apply a function to each element in the RDD and return an RDD of the result. rdd.map(x => x +1) {2, 3, 4, 4}
flatMap() Apply a function to each element in the RDD and return an RDD of the contents of the iterators returned. Often used to extract words. rdd.flatMap(x =>x.to(3)) {1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3}
filter() Return an RDD consisting of only elements that pass the condition passed to filter(). rdd.filter(x => x!= 1) {2, 3, 3}
distinct() Remove duplicates. rdd.distinct() {1, 2, 3}
sample(withReplacement,fraction, [seed]) Sample an RDD, with or without replacement. rdd.sample(false,0.5) 不确定
union() Produce an RDD containing elements from both RDDs. rdd.union(other) {1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5}
intersection() RDD containing only elements found in both RDDs. rdd.intersection(other) {3}
subtract() Remove the contents of one RDD (e.g., remove training data). rdd.subtract(other) {1, 2}
cartesian() Cartesian product with the other RDD. rdd.cartesian(other) {(1, 3), (1, 4),… (3, 5)}



函数名 需要实现的方法
Function<T, R>  R call(T) Take in one input and return one output, for use with operations like map()and filter(). 

Function2<T1, T2,R> 

R call(T1, T2) Take in two inputs and return one output, for use with operations like aggregate() or fold(). 
FlatMapFunction<T,R> Iterable<R> call(T)  Take in one input and return zero or more outputs, for use with operations like flatMap().