

我有一个城市的简化地图,其中的街道以街道和地址为点。我需要找到从每个点到任何路线的最近路径。我有一个工作脚本来做到这一点,但它在多项式时间运行,因为它已经嵌套循环。对于15万行(匀称的LineString)和10000点(匀称的Point),需要10小时才能完成8 GB Ram计算机。在大数据集上找到最接近的每一点,可能使用的是匀称和rtree


import pandas as pd 
import shapely 
from shapely import Point, LineString 

def connect_nodes_to_closest_edges(edges_df , nodes_df, 
    """Finds closest line to points and returns 2 dataframes: 
    for i in range(len(nodes_df)): 
     point = nodes_df.loc[i,nodes_geom] 
     shortest_distance = 100000 
     for j in range(len(edges_df)): 
      line = edges_df.loc[j,edges_geom] 
      if line.distance(point) < shortest_distance: 
       shortest_distance = line.distance(point) 
       closest_street_index = j 
       closest_line = line 





Faster way of polygon intersection with shapely





您可以尝试在[这个问题](https://*.com/a/45573790/6517541)看你通过过滤多少加快获取代码走出遥远的联系。您可以尝试的另一种方法是获取线串的中心点(使用''整型插值'),然后使用rtree查找候选链接(点到点搜索),然后计算距离。 –


请检查[问]和[mcve] ... – boardrider


@boardrider感谢您的链接,我编辑了代码。不幸的是,这里很难再现这样的大数据集。 – StefanK

在这里你有一个使用rtree库的解决方案。这个想法是构建包含对角线中的片段的框 ,并使用该框来构建rtree。这将是最耗时的操作。 稍后,您使用以该点为中心的框查询rtree。你会得到几个点击,你需要检查最小值,但点击次数将是 (希望)高于检查所有片段的次数。


代码中有一些注释可以帮助您。 考虑到您可以序列化rtree以供以后使用。实际上,我会建议构建rtree,保存它,然后使用它。因为调整常量MIN_SIZEINFTY的例外情况可能会增加,并且您不希望失去构建rtree的所有计算。





import math 
from rtree import index 
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString 

INFTY = 1000000 
MIN_SIZE = .8 
# MIN_SIZE should be a vaule such that if you build a box centered in each 
# point with edges of size 2*MIN_SIZE, you know a priori that at least one 
# segment is intersected with the box. Otherwise, you could get an inexact 
# solution, there is an exception checking this, though. 

def distance(a, b): 
    return math.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2) 

def get_distance(apoint, segment): 
    a = apoint 
    b, c = segment 
    # t = <a-b, c-b>/|c-b|**2 
    # because p(a) = t*(c-b)+b is the ortogonal projection of vector a 
    # over the rectline that includes the points b and c. 
    t = (a[0]-b[0])*(c[0]-b[0]) + (a[1]-b[1])*(c[1]-b[1]) 
    t = t/((c[0]-b[0])**2 + (c[1]-b[1])**2) 
    # Only if t 0 <= t <= 1 the projection is in the interior of 
    # segment b-c, and it is the point that minimize the distance 
    # (by pitagoras theorem). 
    if 0 < t < 1: 
     pcoords = (t*(c[0]-b[0])+b[0], t*(c[1]-b[1])+b[1]) 
     dmin = distance(a, pcoords) 
     return pcoords, dmin 
    elif t <= 0: 
     return b, distance(a, b) 
    elif 1 <= t: 
     return c, distance(a, c) 

def get_rtree(lines): 
    def generate_items(): 
     sindx = 0 
     for lid, l in lines: 
      for i in xrange(len(l)-1): 
       a, b = l[i] 
       c, d = l[i+1] 
       segment = ((a,b), (c,d)) 
       box = (min(a, c), min(b,d), max(a, c), max(b,d)) 
       #box = left, bottom, right, top 
       yield (sindx, box, (lid, segment)) 
       sindx += 1 
    return index.Index(generate_items()) 

def get_solution(idx, points): 
    result = {} 
    for p in points: 
     pbox = (p[0]-MIN_SIZE, p[1]-MIN_SIZE, p[0]+MIN_SIZE, p[1]+MIN_SIZE) 
     hits = idx.intersection(pbox, objects='raw')  
     d = INFTY 
     s = None 
     for h in hits: 
      nearest_p, new_d = get_distance(p, h[1]) 
      if d >= new_d: 
       d = new_d 
       s = (h[0], h[1], nearest_p, new_d) 
     result[p] = s 
     print s 

     #some checking you could remove after you adjust the constants 
     if s == None: 
      raise Exception("It seems INFTY is not big enough.") 

     pboxpol = ((pbox[0], pbox[1]), (pbox[2], pbox[1]), 
        (pbox[2], pbox[3]), (pbox[0], pbox[3])) 
     if not Polygon(pboxpol).intersects(LineString(s[1])): 
      msg = "It seems MIN_SIZE is not big enough. " 
      msg += "You could get inexact solutions if remove this exception." 
      raise Exception(msg) 

    return result 


xcoords = [i*10.0/float(1000) for i in xrange(1000)] 
l1 = [(x, math.sin(x)) for x in xcoords] 
l2 = [(x, math.cos(x)) for x in xcoords] 
points = [(i*10.0/float(50), 0.8) for i in xrange(50)] 

lines = [('l1', l1), ('l2', l2)] 

idx = get_rtree(lines) 

solutions = get_solution(idx, points) 

,并得到: Result of test


感谢您为此付出如此多的努力!下周晚些时候我将有时间来测试这个解决方案,所以我会在之后将其标记为解决方案。 – StefanK


不客气。我发现这个问题本身非常有趣,并且有很多应用的潜力,所以我想试试看。期待表现结果。 – eguaio


来吧,我的朋友,悬念正在杀我,哈哈哈。你知道,我喜欢这种性能测试,我迫不及待地尝试新代码。 – eguaio