C++ - 指向向量的指针数组?


double * values; // instead of this, 
std::vector<double> values; // I want this. 

我使用的API提供了一个结果作为double*指针。我想用std::vector<double>类型来包装它。C++ - 指向向量的指针数组?


请记住,你可以得到'的std :: VECTOR'复制的元素从返回数组,如下所示,但如果此API期望您调用另一个函数来释放为该数组分配的内存,或者自己删除该数组,则必须这样做。创建矢量不会释放该内存。 – Praetorian


你的API函数*返回一个'double *',还是将指针作为*参数*并用数据填充它? –


Kerrek SB //好点!某些东西会返回一个double *东西需要一个指针作为参数。 – webnoon


int arrlen = 0; 

// pretending my_api takes arrlen by reference and sets it to the length of the array 
double* dbl_ptr = my_api(arrlen); 

vector<double> values(dbl_ptr, dbl_ptr + arrlen); 

// note that values is *not* using the same memory as dbl_ptr 
// so although values[0] == dbl_ptr[0], &values[0] != &dbl_ptr[0] 

而且还像禁*说,如果您使用的API期望您在使用后释放内存,您可能对智能指针感兴趣。见Praetorian's answer


简单的问题也许是一个复杂的答案:为什么没有办法将STL向量包裹在现有的普通数组(就地)?是否因为STL假定保留大小是2的幂次?否则,我目前没有看到一个理由,为什么这不应该是可能的... –


@JakobS。因为矢量坚持控制其内存的分配和重新分配。如果向量无法控制底层数组,则成员函数所做的保证不会成立。 –

const int N = 10; // Number of elements in your array 
std::vector<double> vec_values(values, values + N); 



'values'是一个double *',而不是'double []',所以'sizeof(values)== sizeof(double *)',而不是数组中元素的个数。你需要'std :: vector vec_values(values,values + numValues)' – Praetorian


@Praetorian:对不起,忘了做这个改变 – Jacob


std::vector<int> value_vec (value, value + n); //suppose value has n elements


int numValues; 
std::unique_ptr<double[]> values(apiFunction(&numValues)); 



#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 

template <class T> 
void wrapArrayInVector(T *sourceArray, size_t arraySize, std::vector<T, std::allocator<T> > &targetVector) { 
    typename std::_Vector_base<T, std::allocator<T> >::_Vector_impl *vectorPtr = 
    (typename std::_Vector_base<T, std::allocator<T> >::_Vector_impl *)((void *) &targetVector); 
    vectorPtr->_M_start = sourceArray; 
    vectorPtr->_M_finish = vectorPtr->_M_end_of_storage = vectorPtr->_M_start + arraySize; 

template <class T> 
void releaseVectorWrapper(std::vector<T, std::allocator<T> > &targetVector) { 
    typename std::_Vector_base<T, std::allocator<T> >::_Vector_impl *vectorPtr = 
     (typename std::_Vector_base<T, std::allocator<T> >::_Vector_impl *)((void *) &targetVector); 
    vectorPtr->_M_start = vectorPtr->_M_finish = vectorPtr->_M_end_of_storage = NULL; 

int main() { 

    int tests[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 }; 
    std::vector<int> targetVector; 
    wrapArrayInVector(tests, 6, targetVector); 

    std::cout << std::hex << &tests[0] << ": " << std::dec 
      << tests[1] << " " << tests[3] << " " << tests[5] << std::endl; 

    std::cout << std::hex << &targetVector[0] << ": " << std::dec 
      << targetVector[1] << " " << targetVector[3] << " " << targetVector[5] << std::endl; 



template <class T> 
class vectorWrapper : public std::vector<T> 
    vectorWrapper() { 
    this->_M_impl _M_start = this->_M_impl _M_finish = this->_M_impl _M_end_of_storage = NULL; 

    vectorWrapper(T* sourceArray, int arraySize) 
    this->_M_impl _M_start = sourceArray; 
    this->_M_impl _M_finish = this->_M_impl _M_end_of_storage = sourceArray + arraySize; 

    ~vectorWrapper() { 
    this->_M_impl _M_start = this->_M_impl _M_finish = this->_M_impl _M_end_of_storage = NULL; 

    void wrapArray(T* sourceArray, int arraySize) 
    this->_M_impl _M_start = sourceArray; 
    this->_M_impl _M_finish = this->_M_impl _M_end_of_storage = sourceArray + arraySize; 