

控制台告诉我在(28,22)它”不能隐式地将类型'char'转换为'bool'“,但在那个地方如果(ch2 ='c') 确切的地方在'('和'c'之间,那么这个地方在代码 中。在此先感谢您的帮助!编译器告诉我“不能将类型'char'隐式转换为'bool'

using System; 

public class EntranceChecking 
    public static void Main() 

     char ch1, ch2;// Input character 
     bool guess = false; // Flag that signals when the loop should terminate -- 
     // that is, when 'c' followed by 's' has been input. 
     Console.WriteLine("\nYou have before you a closed door."); 
     Console.WriteLine("You must give the correct password to enter"); 

     Console.WriteLine("Enter a character : "); 
     ch1 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; 

     // Insert a loop that keeps reading and processing characters 
     // until the user inputs the character 'c' followed by the 
     // character 's' (if ever). 

     while (!guess) 
      Console.WriteLine("Enter a character : "); 
      ch2 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; 
      if ((ch1 == 'c') && (ch2 == 's')) 
       guess = true; 
      else if (ch2 = 'c') 
       ch1 = 'c'; 
       ch1 = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; 

     // Open the door. 
     Console.Write("The door opens. Congratulations!"); 



else if (ch2 = 'c') 

else if (ch2 == 'c') 

,因为如果()需要一个布尔值,如果您使用== operartor它会返回一个布尔值


哇,我觉得现在这么愚蠢。一定是错过了,因为太累了。感谢您的帮助! – IDOMATH 2014-09-19 03:52:24