



.controller('geolocationCtrl', [ '$scope', '$http', 'geolocationFactory', 
     function($scope, $http, geolocationFactory) { 

      // constants should be uppercase 
      var GET_PATH = 'https://temp-domain.co.uk/rest/rest.php/client/geolocation', 
       PUT_PATH = 'https://temp-domain.co.uk/rest/rest.php/client/geolocation/update'; 

      $http.get(GET_PATH).then(function (response) { 
       var respLong = Number(response.data.longitude), 
        respLat = Number(response.data.latitude); 

       $scope.map = drawMap(respLong, respLat); 
       $scope.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
        position: new google.maps.LatLng(respLong, respLat) 

      }, function (errorResponse) { 
       console.error('error response ' + errorResponse); 

      function drawMap(latitude, longitude) { 
       var lat = latitude, 
        long = longitude, 
        currentLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long); 
       var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { 
        center: currentLatlng, 
        zoom: 10 
       return map; 

      setInterval(function() { 
       geolocationFactory.getCurrentPosition().then(function(location) { 

        var newLatitude = location.coords.latitude, 
         newLongitude = location.coords.longitude; 

        // delete old marker 
        $scope.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
         position: { 
          lat: newLatitude, 
          lng: newLongitude 
        var LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(newLatitude, newLongitude); 

        // send data to server 
        $http.put(PUT_PATH, { 
         "longitude": newLatitude, 
         "latitude": newLongitude 
        }).then(function (response) { 
         console.log('data sended'); 
        }, function (errorResponse) { 

      }, 2000); 



angular.module('app.services', []) 

.factory('BlankFactory', [function(){ 


.service('BlankService', [function(){ 

.factory('geolocationFactory', ['$window', '$rootScope', '$q', function ($window, $rootScope, $q) { 

    function supported() { 
     return 'geolocation' in $window.navigator; 

    var retVal = { 
     getCurrentPosition: function (options) { 
      var deferred = $q.defer(); 
      if (supported()) { 
        function (position) { 
         $rootScope.$apply(function() { 
          this.coords = position.coords; 
          this.timestamp = position.timestamp; 
        function (error) { 
         $rootScope.$apply(function() { 
          deferred.reject({error: error}); 
        }, options); 
      } else { 
        error: { 
         code: 2, 
         message: 'This web browser does not support HTML5 Geolocation' 
      return deferred.promise; 

     drawMarker: function (lat, lng) { 

      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions); 

      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
       position: myLatlng, 
       title: "Hello World!" 
    return retVal; 

把这些代码是一个服务,而不是在一个控制器。 –


我已更新我的代码,请问我可以如何修改我的代码? – Elisha512



angular.module('app.services', []) 

.factory('BlankFactory', [function(){ 


.service('BlankService', [function(){ 

.factory('geolocationFactory', ['$window', '$rootScope', '$q', '$interval', '$http', function ($window, $rootScope, $q, $interval, $http) { 

    function supported() { 
     return 'geolocation' in $window.navigator; 

    var retVal = { 
     getCurrentPosition: function (options) { 
      var deferred = $q.defer(); 
      if (supported()) { 
        function (position) { 
         $rootScope.$apply(function() { 
          this.coords = position.coords; 
          this.timestamp = position.timestamp; 
        function (error) { 
         $rootScope.$apply(function() { 
          deferred.reject({error: error}); 
        }, options); 
      } else { 
        error: { 
         code: 2, 
         message: 'This web browser does not support HTML5 Geolocation' 
      return deferred.promise; 

     drawMarker: function (lat, lng) { 

      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions); 

      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
       position: myLatlng, 
       title: "Hello World!" 

    // the factory service runs at startup, so the interval will run the whole time the app is running 
    $interval(function() { 
     retVal.getCurrentPosition().then(function(location) { 

      var newLatitude = location.coords.latitude, 
       newLongitude = location.coords.longitude; 

      // broadcast event 
      $rootScope.$broadcast('geolocationCurrentPosition', newLatitude, newLongitude); 

      // send data to server 
      $http.put(PUT_PATH, { 
       "longitude": newLatitude, 
       "latitude": newLongitude 
      }).then(function (response) { 
       console.log('data sended'); 
      }, function (errorResponse) { 

    }, 2000); 

    return retVal; 


.controller('geolocationCtrl', [ '$scope', '$http', 
    function($scope, $http) { 

     // constants should be uppercase 
     var GET_PATH = 'https://temp-domain.co.uk/rest/rest.php/client/geolocation', 
      PUT_PATH = 'https://temp-domain.co.uk/rest/rest.php/client/geolocation/update'; 

     $http.get(GET_PATH).then(function (response) { 
      var respLong = Number(response.data.longitude), 
       respLat = Number(response.data.latitude); 

      $scope.map = drawMap(respLong, respLat); 
      $scope.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
       position: new google.maps.LatLng(respLong, respLat) 

     }, function (errorResponse) { 
      console.error('error response ' + errorResponse); 

     function drawMap(latitude, longitude) { 
      var lat = latitude, 
       long = longitude, 
       currentLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long); 
      var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { 
       center: currentLatlng, 
       zoom: 10 
      return map; 

     // listen for the event from geolocationFactory 
     $scope.$on('geolocationCurrentPosition', function(event, latitude, longitude){ 
      // delete old marker 
      $scope.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
       position: { 
        lat: latitude, 
        lng: longitude 
      var LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude); 