



line 64 'item' undeclared (first use this function)


计划使用开发 - C++

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 

int N_ITEMS; 
int N_SEATS; 
int seat; 
int tItems; 

struct ITM_TYPE { 
    int seatN; 
    string name; 
    float price; 

int dash(int n) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(i < (n)) 
    cout << "-"; 
    cout << "\n"; 
    return 0; 

int main() 
cout << "Enter the number of seats: "; 
cin >> N_SEATS; //retrieve number of seats 
N_SEATS += 1; 
for(seat = 1; seat < N_SEATS; seat++) // loop for each seat 
    cout << "Enter number of items for seat" << seat <<": "; 
    cin >> N_ITEMS; //get number of items for seat 
    tItems += N_ITEMS; 
    ITM_TYPE item[N_ITEMS]; //make N number of item structs 
    int i = 0; 
    string name; 
    float price; 
    while (i < N_ITEMS) 
     item[i].seatN = seat;   //blah blah retrive and add data to stucts 
     cout << "Input item name: "; 
     cin >> name; 
     item[i].name = name; 
     cout << "item[" << i << "].name SET" << endl; 
     cout << "Input item price: "; 
     cin >> price; 
     item[i].price = price; 
     cout << "item[" << i << "].price SET" << endl; 
for(seat = 1; seat < N_SEATS; seat++) //meant to read back struct line by line for each item 
    cout << "seat" << seat << endl; 
    int i = 0; 
    while (i < tItems) 
     if (item[i].seatN == seat){cout << item[i].name << " " << item[i].price << endl;} 
     //cout << item[i].name << endl; 

它做什么,它不应该? – spencercw 2012-02-24 20:16:52


哦应该补充说:/ 它表示项目尚未申报尚未公布的主要使用。 – Arcticfoxx 2012-02-24 20:19:48


哦,我的多脚神!看到你使用循环变量的全局变量后,我无法安静地沉默。我必须下车才能告诉你先生;我非常鄙视你的COBOLized伪C样本,我真的会这么做 – lurscher 2012-02-24 20:34:18

我通过您的代码行由行在Visual Studio中去。它现在有效。评论我的所有更改和原因。


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
// !! You had no use for iomanip 

using namespace std; 

struct ITM_TYPE 
    std::string name; 
    float price; 
    int seatN; 

// !! You had an unused function here 

int main() 
    // !! These had no business being global variables 
    int N_ITEMS; 
    int N_SEATS; 
    int seat; 
    // !! You did not initialize this before using it 
    int tItems = 0; 

    cout << "Enter the number of seats: "; 
    cin >> N_SEATS; //retrive number of seats 

    // !! This is not needed if you iterate starting at 0 
    N_SEATS += 1; 

    // !! You can not dynamically create arrays like you did. Do it like below 
    // !! Also you used N_ITEMS incorrectly as opposed to N_SEATS 
    // !! This was also out of scope inside the for (the second for did not know it existed) 
    // !! Plus it was being re-created on every iteration 
    ITM_TYPE* item = new ITM_TYPE[ N_SEATS ]; 

    for(seat = 1; seat < N_SEATS; seat++) // loop for each seat 
     cout << "Enter number of items for seat" << seat <<": "; 
     cin >> N_ITEMS; //get number of items for seat 
     tItems += N_ITEMS; 

     string name; 
     float price; 

     // !! If you are initializing an iterator variable, then incrementing on each 
     // !! loop, then just use a for instead of a while. Thats why it exists 
     for(int i = 0; i < N_ITEMS; i++) 
      item[i].seatN = seat;   //blah blah retrive and add data to stucts 

      cout << "Input item name: "; 
      cin >> name; 
      item[i].name = name; 

      cout << "item[" << i << "].name SET" << endl; 
      cout << "Input item price: "; 
      cin >> price; 
      item[i].price = price; 

      cout << "item[" << i << "].price SET" << endl; 

    for(seat = 1; seat < N_SEATS; seat++) //meant to read back struct line by line for each item 
     cout << "seat" << seat << endl; 

     // !! Like the previous ex-while loop, for is much better for the situation 
     for(int i = 0; i < tItems; i++) 
      // !! This was just hard to read how you had it 
      if(item[i].seatN == seat) 
       cout << item[i].name << " " << item[i].price << endl; 

    // !! Destroy our item array to prevent memory leak 
    delete[ ] item; 


    // !! You did not indicate a successful end of program 
    return 0; 

函数'dash'稍后会用到,但是非常感谢你 – Arcticfoxx 2012-02-24 20:36:36


哇我完全忘了'return 0;' 它在代码中,但我删除了大部分注释掉了部分,并且显然与它相关 – Arcticfoxx 2012-02-24 20:39:18


另外,请停止使用Dev-C++!使用Visual C++ Express,或者如果您是学生,请从[http://www.dreamspark.com](http://www.dreamspark.com)免费获取完整版本。它需要一点时间才能习惯,但它在每一个方面都很出色。 – ssell 2012-02-24 20:42:27

移动ITM_TYPE item[N_ITEMS];你上面的第一for循环得到它的编译。 item在下一次循环运行时已超出范围,因此无法访问它。


int tItems; 


int tItems = 0; 

'tItems + = N_ITEMS;'39行 不会抛出错误 – Arcticfoxx 2012-02-24 20:21:49


@Arcticfoxx尽管你从未给它初始值, N_ITEMS'实际上是一个随机数。这是法律行为,这就是编译器接受它的原因,但它是未定义的。 – spencercw 2012-02-24 20:22:50


好的,我会补充一点,然后尝试进入该习惯,谢谢。 – Arcticfoxx 2012-02-24 20:24:20


#include <vector> 
// ... 
vector<ITM_TYPE> item; 
for(seat = 1; seat < N_SEATS; seat++) // loop for each seat 
    cout << "Enter number of items for seat" << seat <<": "; 
    cin >> N_ITEMS; //get number of items for seat 
    tItems += N_ITEMS; 
    int i = 0; 
    string name; 
    float price; 
    while (i < N_ITEMS) 
     ITM_TYPE it; 
     it.seatN = seat;   //blah blah retrive and add data to stucts 
     cout << "Input item name: "; 
     cin >> name; 
     it.name = name; 
     cout << "item[" << i << "].name SET" << endl; 
     cout << "Input item price: "; 
     cin >> price; 
     it.price = price; 
     cout << "item[" << i << "].price SET" << endl; 


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <iterator> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <vector> 

using namespace std; 

struct Item { 
    int seatN; 
    string name; 
    float price; 

template<typename Char, typename Traits> 
basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& stream, const Item& item) { 
    return stream << item.name << " " << item.price << endl; 

struct Seat { 
    vector<Item> items; 

void dash(const unsigned int n) { 
    cout << string(n, '-') << endl; 

int main() { 
    cout << "Enter the number of seats: "; 
    unsigned int seatCount; 
    cin >> seatCount; //retrive number of seats 
    vector<Seat> seats; 
    for (unsigned int seatIndex = 0; seatIndex < seatCount; ++seatIndex) { // loop for each seat 
    cout << "Enter number of items for seat " << seatIndex + 1 << ": "; 
    unsigned int itemCount; 
    cin >> itemCount; //get number of items for seat 
    Seat seat; 
    for (unsigned int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; ++itemIndex) { 
     Item item; 
     item.seatN = seatIndex;   //blah blah retrive and add data to stucts 
     cout << "Input item name: "; 
     cin >> item.name; 
     cout << "item[" << itemIndex << "].name SET" << endl; 
     cout << "Input item price: "; 
     cin >> item.price; 
     cout << "item[" << itemIndex << "].price SET" << endl; 
    for (unsigned int seatIndex = 0; seatIndex < seatCount; ++seatIndex) { //meant to read back struct line by line for each item 
    cout << "seat " << seatIndex + 1 << endl; 
    const vector<Item>& items = seats[seatIndex].items; 
    copy(items.begin(), items.end(), ostream_iterator<Item>(cout)); 