


  • X:\foo\bar.txt如果X:是一个真正的驱动器(即硬盘,USB棒等)
  • \\server\share\foo\bar.txt如果X:是安装在\\server\share
  • C:\xyz\foo\bar.txtX:如果网络驱动器是一个012的结果命令映射X:C:\xyz


  1. 解决网络驱动器(例如见question 556649其依赖于WNetGetUniversalName

  2. 解决该SUBST驱动器号(请参阅QueryDosDevice,它按预期方式工作,但不返回本地驱动器或网络驱动器等事物的UNC路径)。





例子:script.cmd echo Z: Y: W:

@echo off 
:: u is a variable containing all arguments of the current command line 
set u=%* 

:: enabledelayedexpansion: exclamation marks behave like percentage signs and enable 
:: setting variables inside a loop 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 

:: parsing result of command subst 
:: format: I: => C:\foo\bar 
:: variable %G will contain I: and variable H will contain C:\foo\bar 
for /f "tokens=1* delims==> " %%G IN ('subst') do (
set drive=%%G 
:: removing extra space 
set drive=!drive:~0,2! 
:: expanding H to a short path in order not to break the resulting command line 
set subst=%%~sfH 
:: replacing command line. 
call set u=%%u:!drive!=!subst!%% 

:: parsing result of command net use | findstr \\ ; this command is not easily tokenized because not always well-formatted 
:: testing whether token 2 is a drive letter or a network path. 
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%G IN ('net use ^| findstr \\') do (
set tok2=%%H 
if "!tok2:~0,2!" == "\\" (
    set drive=%%G 
    set subst=%%H 
) else (
    set drive=%%H 
    set subst=%%I 
:: replacing command line. 
call set u=%%u:!drive!=!subst!%% 

call !u! 

啊,是的,去了CMD的方式是我最初拒绝了一个解决方案。我真的试图找到一个Win32 API,它可以做到这一点。显然,您的解决方案应该适用于在批处理/脚本环境中尝试做同样事情的人。非常感谢您的想法;这是我重新发现一些CMD技巧的场合。 – 2011-01-13 04:41:17


这个脚本很棒。只有一个错误 - 它不支持替代驱动路径中的空格。要修复,请将第一个for循环改为: ... tokens = 1,2 ... 至 ... tokens = 1 * ... – 2011-04-11 13:52:57


@MrBungle:谢谢!我不知道'tokens = 1 *',会调查。你确定它不是'1,2 *'吗? – Benoit 2011-04-11 18:25:32