



INSERT INTO table_name [(column [,column.....])] VALUES (value [,value......]);

INSERT INTO employee (id,name,gender,birthday,entry_data,job,salay,resume)
VALUES (null,'赖泽铵','男','1996-7-7','2018-12-8','python工程师',5000,'啥都会');

insert into employee values (null,'吴志雄','男','2000-1-1','2001-2-2','董事长','1','全靠他了'),(null,'赖泽铵','男','1996-7-7','2018-12-8','python工程师',5000,'啥都会');  #所有列都写入可以不写 ,插入多条


UPDATE tbl_name SET col_name=exprl [,col_name2=expr2......]

update employee set salay= 5000;


update employee set salay = 3000 where name='赖泽铵';


update employee set salay = 4000,job = 'c++' where name = '侯文泽';


update employee set salay = salay+1000 where name = '郑嘉颖';

3.Delet (truncate)  #truncate整表摧毁

delete from table_name [WHERE where_definition]


delete from employee where name = '侯文泽';


delete from employee;


truncate employee;


SELECT [DISTINCT] * | {column1,column2,......} FROM table;


select * from employee;


select name,salay from employee;


select distinct salay from employee;


select name,salay+1000 from employee;


create table grade (
id INT primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
name varchar(20),
chinese INT,
math INT,
english INT

insert into grade values (null,'侯文泽',70,80,90),(null,'郑嘉颖',79,85,92),(null,'赖泽铵',90,90,40);

select name,chinese+math+english from grade;


select name as 姓名 ,chinese+math+english as 总成绩 from grade;

select name  姓名 ,chinese+math+english  总成绩 from grade;



select * from grade where name = '赖泽铵';


select * from grade where english>90;


select * from grade where chinese+math+english>230;

(4)where 常用运算符

~:>  <  <=  >=  =  <>#不等于

select * from grade where chinese<>80;

~:between ...  and ....  #在之间

select * from grade where math between 70 and 85;

~:in(set)                    #括号内为集合

select * from grade where english in (80,85,90);

~:like                        #像,通配符% ,‘_’   表示一个字符

select * from grade where name like '赖%';

select * from grade where name like '文';

~:and or not          #逻辑运算符
