插入字节数组到SQL Server


我构建sql_insert_stringMicrosoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper被用来作为如下:插入字节数组到SQL Server

SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Transaction, CommandType.Text, sql_insert_string) 


string sql_insert_string = "Insert into images_table(image_id,  image_byte_array) values ('123', System.Byte[]) 

其中一个插入值是如上所示的一个字节数组。该变量在字节数组中有值,比如byte [6738]。但在构建sql_insert_string之后,它的值为System.Byte[]image_byte_array列的类型是varbinary(max)。该数据库是因为这样的SQL Server 2008数据库引发以下错误:

An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as \"\" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name.


您的sql字符串生成器只是在您的'byte []'类型的变量上调用'ToString()'。显示创建sql查询字符串的方法 – Fabio


您不应该*构建* SQL语句 - 您应该使用**参数**来避免SQL注入攻击! –


'SqlParameter'不仅可以节省您从SQL注入,此外你不会有这样的问题,因为所有的输入值将被正确地“转换”为SqlParameters – Fabio


 private void FireSql(byte[] input) 
      const string sql_insert_string = 
       "Insert into images_table(image_id, image_byte_array) values (@image_id, @image_byte_array)"; 

      SqlTransaction transaction = null; //wherever you get the transaction obj from. 

      var imageIdParam = new SqlParameter("@image_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) 
       Direction = ParameterDirection.Input, 
       Value = 123 
      }; //change the data type to whatever data type you are expecting 

      var byteParam = new SqlParameter("@image_byte_array", SqlDbType.VarBinary) 
       Direction = ParameterDirection.Input, 
       Size = input.Length, 
       Value = input 
      }; //change the data type to whatever data type you are expecting 

      SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, CommandType.Text, sql_insert_string, imageIdParam, byteParam); 



string sql_insert_string = 
    String.Format("INSERT INTO images_table(image_id, image_byte_array) VALUES ('123', CAST('{0}' AS VARBINARY(MAX)))", System.Byte[].ToString()); 


你应该使用参数在构造SQL查询,这显然会避免SQL注入攻击。您的查询如何构建仍然不清楚。 像这样的东西应该为你做。

SqlParameter sParam = new SqlParameter("@image_byte_array", SqlDbType.VarBinary) 
Value = image 
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Transaction, CommandType.Text, sql_insert_string, sParam)