


foreach ($places as $place) 
    # get parent place from $ancestor_array (woeid => ids) 
    $parent = $ancestors[:parent_woeid] 

    update place set lft = lft + 2 where root_id = :root_id and lft >= :obj_lft; 
    update place set rgt = rgt + 2 where root_id = :root_id and rgt >= :obj_lft; 
    insert into place (..., root_id, lft, rgt, level, ...) values (..., :obj_root_id, :obj_lft, :obj_rgt, :obj_level, ...); 



foreach ($places as $place) 
    # get parent place from $ancestor_array (woeid => ids) 
    $parent = $ancestors[:parent_woeid] 

    $new_admins[] = array('parent_woeid' => :parent_woeid, ...data place....) 
    $woeids[] = :parent_woeid; 

# lock + bulk insert of $new_admins with lft=rgt=level=root_id= null + unlock 
    insert into place (...) values (...), (...), (...), ...., (...) 

# get ids of those places 
select from place where woeid in(:array_woeids) 

# lock + bulk update with 3 updates per place + unlock 
    update place set lft= lft + 2 where root_id = :root_id and lft >= :obj_lft; 
    update place set rgt = rgt + 2 where root_id = :root_id and rgt >= :obj_lft; 
    update place set lft=:obj_lft, rgt=:obj_rgt where id=:id 

# i have to update the ancestors lft & rgt values on the $ancestors_array, 
# because we have them "cached" in the array in order to avoid doing a 
# select per inserted place. 

你觉得呢?你会怎么做?您是否将所有插入和更新保存到文件中,并使用LOAD DATA INFILE语法代替此选项?




我现在不再使用嵌套集合模型,并选择一个邻接列表 - 生命太短。 – 2011-03-18 13:44:51


但是要做到这一点,你必须知道每个项目的父ID,所以你有什么要立足于指标。我个人有成功保持LFT + LRG + parentId的每个数据项,它使维护更容易(你可以做到在任何时间重新计算琐碎/完整性检查)。


这就是我期待的答案!实际上,我已经有了parent_id,我已经有了重建树的任务。非常感谢! – fesja 2011-03-20 10:46:41