DNS IP检查cpanel提醒/通知


每天我从cpanel得到以下电子邮件,我不知道它是什么意思,在当前配置中,我有一个ip为ns1.nameserver,一个为ns2.nameserver,但一个为*域名名称服务器映射到一个IP地址。但没有办法一个又一个的记录添加到那里(我不KNW如何)或者我想禁用此提示出来,因为仍然是所有工作在网络中的细...DNS IP检查cpanel提醒/通知

The hostname (nameserver.com) resolves to 67.xxx. It should 
resolve to 67.xxxx. Please be sure that the contents of 
/etc/hosts are configured correctly, and also that there is a 
correct 'A' entry for the domain in the zone file. 

Some or all of these problems can be caused by /etc/resolv.conf 
being setup incorrectly. Please check that file if you believe 
everything else is correct. 

You may be able to automatically correct this problem by using the 
'Add an A entry for your hostname' option under 'Dns Functions' in 
your Web Host Manager. 

你需要做确定你已经为你的主机名正确添加了A记录并将其分配给你的服务器的IP地址。例如,如果您的服务器主机名是xyz.abcd.com,那么您需要在abcd.com DNS区域中添加xyz A记录并将其指向您的服务器IP地址。


  1. 添加正确的一种IP记录和完全合格的域名

  2. 每的cPanel它不是假设一个NAT后面的功能,虽然许多发现这是实际可行的。因此,您可以通过进入联系人管理器并禁用“IP地址DNS检查”选项来“修复”或停止此消息。