


app.directive('uploadPanel', function() { 
    return { 
     restrict: 'E', 
     scope: { 
      action: '@' 

app.directive('uploadPanel', function() { 
     return { 
      restrict: 'E', 
      scope: { 
       action: '@' 
      templateUrl: 'js/uploader/ng_templates/uploader.html', 
      replace: false, 
      controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { 
       $scope.progress = 0; 
       $scope.avatar = ''; 
       $scope.sendFile = function (el) { 
        var $form = $(el).parents('form'); 
        if ($(el).val() == '') { 
         return false; 
        $form.attr('action', $scope.action); 
       $scope.$apply(function() { 
        $scope.progress = 0; 

        type: 'POST', 
        uploadProgress: function (evt, pos, tot, percComplete) { 
         $scope.$apply(function() { 
          // upload the progress bar during the upload 
          $scope.progress = percComplete; 
        error: function (evt, statusText, response, form) { 
         // remove the action attribute from the form 
          handle the error ... 
        success: function (response, status, xhr, form) { 
         var ar = $(el).val().split('\\'), 
          filename = ar[ar.length - 1]; 
         // remove the action attribute from the form 
         $scope.$apply(function() { 
          //$scope.avatar = filename; 
          $scope.progress = 0; 
          $scope.$parent.imageId = response; 

     link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { 
      // link function 
      elem.find(".uploadbtn").click(function() { 
