HTTP错误401.2 - 未经授权您无权查看此页面由于无效的认证头(匿名认证)


当我尝试我发现了这个错误,访问我的网站: -HTTP错误401.2 - 未经授权您无权查看此页面由于无效的认证头(匿名认证)

HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers. 
Most likely causes: 
• No authentication protocol (including anonymous) is selected in IIS. 
• Only integrated authentication is enabled, and a client browser was used that does not support integrated authentication. 
• Integrated authentication is enabled and the request was sent through a proxy that changed the authentication headers before they reach the Web server. 
• The Web server is not configured for anonymous access and a required authorization header was not received. 
• The "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" configuration section may be explicitly denying the user access. 
Things you can try: 
• Verify the authentication setting for the resource and then try requesting the resource using that authentication method. 
• Verify that the client browser supports Integrated authentication. 
• Verify that the request is not going through a proxy when Integrated authentication is used. 
• Verify that the user is not explicitly denied access in the "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" configuration section. 
• Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here. 
Detailed Error Information: 
Module  UrlAuthorizationModule 
Notification  AuthorizeRequest 
Handler ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0 
Error Code  0x80070005 

Physical Path  D:\Logs 
Logon Method  Anonymous 
Logon User  Anonymous 

More Information: 
This error occurs when the WWW-Authenticate header sent to the Web server is not supported by the server configuration. Check the authentication method for the resource, and verify which authentication method the client used. The error occurs when the authentication methods are different. To determine which type of authentication the client is using, check the authentication settings for the client. 
View more information » 
Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles: 
• 907273 
• 253667 



IIS版本是8.5,只有匿名身份验证与“应用程序池标识”选项启用。 – Saini


我只能使用匿名身份验证,任何人都可以帮忙吗? – Saini





你能提供更具体的细节吗? –


提供完整的细节。 –

这个令人难以置信的模糊问题和答案实际上导致我正确解决HTTP 401.2的特定问题。未经授权针对IIS中的匿名身份验证资源。 IIS中的“授权规则”元素允许显式允许/拒绝条目,并且具有“所有匿名用户”的显式选项。指定这个解决了访问问题我花了一天的更多时间试图解决,我想我会在这里添加额外的细节。


这太问题有更多的可能的解决方案,因为它似乎有不同的原因,无数: - HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers