在Linux上安装Db2 Developer Community Edition的空白屏幕


RHEL 7.3 64位。安装程序进入安装屏幕,进度条,我看到的最后一件事是它正在下载一些Docker文件。当我回来的时候检查就可以了,我看到的是一个空白屏幕:在Linux上安装Db2 Developer Community Edition的空白屏幕

enter image description here


# ./ibm-db2-developer_community_edition-1.1.2-x86_64.AppImage 
installed: X-AppImage-BuildId=0d7243c0-6e2f-11a7-104f-052bf6805623 image: X-AppImage-BuildId=0d7243c0-6e2f-11a7-104f-052bf6805623 
in the prod if statement 

<--- Last few GCs ---> 

[9612:0xf9a24997000] 1886826 ms: Mark-sweep 2052.0 (2163.0) -> 2052.0 (2132.0) MB, 2896.2/16.6 ms (+ 0.0 ms in 0 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 2896 ms) last resort 
[9612:0xf9a24997000] 1889720 ms: Mark-sweep 2052.0 (2132.0) -> 2051.8 (2132.0) MB, 2893.7/16.2 ms last resort 

<--- JS stacktrace ---> 

==== JS stack trace ========================================= 

Security context: 0x18383e6f3c49 <String[7]: file://> 
    2: urlParse(aka urlParse) [url.js:75] [pc=0x2c284f17c0d1](this=0x2ed7d9f02311 <undefined>,url=0x33aaf09482d1 <String[17]: random500x500.jpg>,parseQueryString=0x2ed7d9f02421 <false>,slashesDenoteHost=0x2ed7d9f023b1 <true>) 
    3: resolve [url.js:646] [pc=0x2c284f172914](this=0x33aaf0944c91 <an Url with map 0x345eb885f1c1>,relative=0x33aaf09482d1 <String[17]: random500x500.jpg>) 



enter image description here

每5秒钟关于,ibm-db2-develop弹出以相当高的CPU几秒钟。我附上strace的与strace -f -tt -o outputfile.txt -p ${PID},我注意到在读取系统调用一些HTTP 404和429s:

21477 13:45:17.682583 read(42, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Tue, 05 S"..., 65536) = 200 
21477 13:45:19.700105 read(43, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-"..., 65536) = 230 
21477 13:45:19.700717 read(59, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-"..., 65536) = 236 
21477 13:45:19.731156 read(42, "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests\r\n"..., 65536) = 763 


[pid 21477] 14:40:48.397771 write(61, "GET /mini/speedtest/latency.txt "..., 213) = 213 
[pid 21477] 14:40:48.710338 write(60, "GET /speedtest/latency.txt HTTP/"..., 205) = 205 
[pid 21477] 14:40:49.479746 write(43, "GET /speedtest-config.php HTTP/1"..., 198) = 198 
[pid 21477] 14:40:49.821431 write(43, "GET /speedtest-servers-static.ph"..., 206) = 206 
[pid 21477] 14:40:51.707073 write(43, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:40:51.707302 write(62, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:40:55.707913 write(66, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:40:55.709166 write(67, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:40:56.416893 write(42, "GET /speedtest/random350x350.jpg"..., 214) = 214 
[pid 21477] 14:40:56.736215 write(61, "GET /speedtest/random350x350.jpg"..., 214) = 214 
[pid 21477] 14:40:57.511335 write(60, "GET /speedtest-config.php HTTP/1"..., 198) = 198 
[pid 21477] 14:40:57.850798 write(60, "GET /speedtest-servers-static.ph"..., 206) = 206 
[pid 21477] 14:40:59.702378 write(60, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:40:59.702467 write(62, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:41:03.706587 write(66, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:41:03.706808 write(67, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:41:04.436802 write(60, "GET /speedtest/latency.txt HTTP/"..., 208) = 208 
[pid 21477] 14:41:04.762171 write(60, "GET /speedtest/latency.txt HTTP/"..., 209) = 209 
[pid 21477] 14:41:05.535974 write(61, "GET /speedtest/latency.txt HTTP/"..., 207) = 207 
[pid 21477] 14:41:05.871157 write(61, "GET /mini/speedtest/latency.txt "..., 213) = 213 
[pid 21477] 14:41:07.705146 write(61, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:41:07.705354 write(62, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:41:11.706155 write(66, "GET /containers/dsm/logs?follow="..., 159) = 159 
[pid 21477] 14:41:11.706352 write(67, "GET /containers/db2server/logs?f"..., 165) = 165 
[pid 21477] 14:41:12.457648 write(43, "GET /speedtest/latency.txt HTTP/"..., 205) = 205 
[pid 21477] 14:41:12.786219 writev(42, [{"POST /api/api.php HTTP/1.1\r\nrefe"..., 438}, {"", 0}], 2) = 438 


[pid 21477] 14:45:35.713220 read(66, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nServer: Docker/1.10.2 (linux)\r\nX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\nDate: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 21:45:35 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 23\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nNo such container: dsm\n", 65536) = 230 
[pid 21477] 14:45:35.714067 read(67, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nServer: Docker/1.10.2 (linux)\r\nX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\nDate: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 21:45:35 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 29\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nNo such container: db2server\n", 65536) = 236 


sudo setenforce Permissive 


$ docker ps 
a6897b6ff68f  dsm:v2.1.4_2    "/opt/start_dsm.sh"  16 hours ago  Up About an hour>11080-11082/tcp dsm 
3085e6a8bb4b  db2server:v11.1.2fp2_2 "/var/db2_setup/lib/e" 16 hours ago  Up About an hour 22/tcp,>50000/tcp  db2server 

@戈文德 - samrow请解释为什么要删除有效的答案。 – kgibm


@chunjef请解释你为什么推荐删除。 – kgibm


'sudo setenforce Permissive'在Centos 7上重新启动后还能存活吗? – mao