


例如,他们一般是这样的: F:\数据路径\一些路径\路径\路径\ thefile.ext


@echo off 

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (filelist.txt) do (

    ECHO Copy attempt of this file: %%i 

    FOR %%h IN ("%%i") DO (

      REM -- capture the file path 
      SET filepath=%%~ph 

      REM -- remove the trailing slash on the path 
      SET filepath=%filepath:~0,1% 

      REM -- echo the command to see how it looks 
      ECHO hobocopy "F:%%~ph" "V:\copy_test%%~ph" "%%~nxh" 



不是我的事;但是如果可以像IF %% h〜=/* \\/THEN那样匹配,则可以在反斜杠后添加一个句点(。) – 2011-12-15 19:05:32

你已经接近有一个非常好的解决方案。你不需要%% h FOR循环。如果路径或文件名包含,你的解决方案将失败! (不太可能,但它可能发生)

我不确定如果您将遇到任何问题,如果该文件在根目录中。 F:和F:\通常具有非常不同的含义。我没有在下面的解决方案中解决这个潜在的问题。

@echo off 
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in (filelist.txt) do (
    ECHO Copy attempt of this file: %%i 
    REM -- capture file path and file name 
    SET "filepath=%%~pi" 
    SET "filename=%%~nxi" 
    REM -- enable delayed expansion so we can access variable assigned within loop 
    SETLOCAL enableExtensions enableDelayedExpansion 
    REM -- remove trailing backslash 
    set "filepath=!filepath:~0,-1!" 
    REM perform shadow copy on file 
    hobocopy "F:!filepath!" "V:\copy_test!filepath!" "!filename!" 
    REM -- disable delayed expansion so %%i expansion does not corrupt values containing ! 

我想Joop Egen的评论是正确的。我相信这一个班轮可能工作

@echo off 
for /f "delims=" %%i in (filelist.txt) do hobocopy "%%~dp." "V:\copy_test%%~p." "%%~nx" 



@echo off 

SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion 

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (filelist.txt) do (

    ECHO Copy attempt of this file: %%i 

    FOR %%h IN ("%%i") DO (
      REM -- capture file path 
      SET filepath=!filepath!%%~ph 

      REM -- remote trailing backslash 
      SET filepath=!filepath:~0,-1! 

      REM perform shadow copy on file 
      hobocopy "F:!filepath!" "V:\copy_test!filepath!" "%%~nxh" 

      REM clear variable 
      SET filepath= 