


causalitycombinations <- function (nvars, ncausers, ndependents) 
    independents <- combn(nvars, ncausers) 
    swingnumber <- dim(combn(nvars - ncausers, ndependents))[[2]] 
    numberofallcombinations <- dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber 
    dependents <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = ndependents) 
    for (i in as.integer(1:dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]])) { 
     dependents[(swingnumber * (i - 1) + 1):(swingnumber * i), ] <- t(combn(setdiff(seq(1:nvars), independents[, i]), ndependents)) 
    swingedindependents <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = ncausers) 
    for (i in as.integer(1:dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]])) { 
     for (j in as.integer(1:swingnumber)) { 
      swingedindependents[(i - 1) * swingnumber + j, ] <- independents[, i] 
    independentsdependents <- cbind(swingedindependents, dependents) 
    others <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = nvars - ncausers - ndependents) 
    for (i in as.integer(1:((dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]]) * 
     swingnumber))) { 
     others[i, ] <- setdiff(seq(1:nvars), independentsdependents[i, ]) 
    causalitiestemplate <- cbind(independentsdependents, others) 



     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] 
[1,] 1 2 3 4 
[2,] 1 3 2 4 
[3,] 1 4 2 3 
[4,] 2 1 3 4 
[5,] 2 3 1 4 
[6,] 2 4 1 3 # to check whether 2nd var Grangercauses 4th var condioned on 1 and 3 
[7,] 3 1 2 4 
[8,] 3 2 1 4 
[9,] 3 4 1 2 
[10,] 4 1 2 3 
[11,] 4 2 1 3 
[12,] 4 3 1 2 


data.frame(from = causalitycombinations(4,1,1)[,1], to= causalitycombinations(4,1,1)[,2], 
       pval = c(0.5,0.6,0.1, #I just typed random p-vals here 


from to pval 
1  1 2 0.5 
2  1 3 0.6 
3  1 4 0.1 
4  2 1 0.4 
5  2 3 0.8 
6  2 4 0.2 
7  3 1 0.1 
8  3 2 0.5 
9  3 4 0.9 
10 4 1 0.0 
11 4 2 0.0 
12 4 3 0.1 
  1. 在上述 “从” 和 “到” 列的条目,我想打印变量的名字(比如:“inf”,“gdp”,“exc”,“stock”)而不是他们的代表号码(即1,2,3,4)。如何实现这一目标?

  2. 同样地,如何列出组合与字符串而非数字


“将数字转换成VAR的名字” - 'df1 $ fromNew zx8754


@ zx8754你解决了!您可以将其添加为答案:df1


# update columns with matching name 
df1$from <- c("inf", "gdp", "exc", "stock")[df1$from] 
df1$to <- c("inf", "gdp", "exc", "stock")[df1$to] 

# result 
#  from to pval 
# 1 inf gdp 0.5 
# 2 inf exc 0.6 
# 3 inf stock 0.1 
# 4 gdp inf 0.4 
# 5 gdp exc 0.8 
# 6 gdp stock 0.2 
# 7 exc inf 0.1 
# 8 exc gdp 0.5 
# 9 exc stock 0.9 
# 10 stock inf 0.0 
# 11 stock gdp 0.0 
# 12 stock exc 0.1 

# input data 
df1 <- read.table(text=" from to pval 
1  1 2 0.5 
2  1 3 0.6 
3  1 4 0.1 
4  2 1 0.4 
5  2 3 0.8 
6  2 4 0.2 
7  3 1 0.1 
8  3 2 0.5 
9  3 4 0.9 
10 4 1 0.0 
11 4 2 0.0 
12 4 3 0.1", header = TRUE)