



    <p>Glucose builds up in your blood and your cells become starved for energy and can’t function properly.</p> 
    <p>And, for some people, this may be all that is needed to successfully maintain target blood glucose levels.</p> 
    <p>It doesn’t come in a pill form because it would get destroyed in the stomach during digestion.</p> 


<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" 
    xmlns:json="http://json.org/" xmlns:mf="http://example.com/mf" 

    <xsl:param name="length" as="xs:integer" select="80"/> 
    <xsl:param name="pattern" as="xs:string" select="concat('((.{1,', $length, '})(|$))')"/> 
    <xsl:param name="sep" as="xs:string" select="' +&#10; '"/> 

    <xsl:function name="mf:break" as="xs:string"> 
    <xsl:param name="input" as="xs:string"/> 
    <xsl:variable name="result"> 
     <xsl:analyze-string select="$input" regex="{$pattern}"> 
      <xsl:value-of select="concat('&quot;', regex-group(2), '&quot;')"/> 
      <xsl:if test="position() ne last()"> 
      <xsl:value-of select="$sep"/> 
    <xsl:sequence select="$result"/> 

    <xsl:param name="ser-params" as="element()"> 
    <output:serialization-parameters xmlns:output="http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization"> 
     <output:method value="xml"/> 
     <output:version value="1.0"/> 
     <output:indent value="yes"/> 
     <output:omit-xml-declaration value="yes"/> 

    <xsl:template match="top"> 
    "top": <xsl:apply-templates/>, 

    <xsl:template match="bottom"> 
    "bottom": <xsl:apply-templates/>, 

    <xsl:template match="p"> 
    <span><xsl:sequence select="mf:break(normalize-space(string-join(text()/serialize(., $ser-params), '')))"/></span> 



"top": <span>"Glucose builds up in your blood and your cells become" + 
"starved for energy and can’t function properly."</span>, 

"bottom": <span>"And, for some people, this may be all that is needed" + 
"to successfully maintain target blood glucose levels."</span> 

<span>"It doesn’t come in a pill form because it would get destroyed in" + 
"the stomach during digestion."</span>, 


"top": "<span>Glucose builds up in your blood and your cells become" + 
"starved for energy and can’t function properly.</span>", 

"bottom": "<span>And, for some people, this may be all that is needed" + 
"to successfully maintain target blood glucose levels.</span>" 

"<span>It doesn’t come in a pill form because it would get destroyed in" + 
"the stomach during digestion.</span>", 



如果你想拥有系列化的标记,那么你已经展示了如何使用序列化功能,以创建,如果你首先要转变p元素span元素,那么你只需要做到这一点这是一个基本的步骤在XSLT 2.0中。因此,改变

<xsl:template match="p"> 
    <span><xsl:sequence select="mf:break(normalize-space(string-join(text()/serialize(., $ser-params), '')))"/></span> 

<xsl:template match="p"> 
    <xsl:variable name="span"> 
    <xsl:sequence select="mf:break(normalize-space(serialize($span, $ser-params)))"/> 

,当然使用<xsl:output method="text"/>作为已经提出了若干倍,输出应该是沿着要求的格式,例如

     "<span>Glucose builds up in your blood and your cells become starved for energy" + 
"and can’t function properly.</span>" 

     "<span>And, for some people, this may be all that is needed to successfully" + 
"maintain target blood glucose levels.</span>" 
     "<span>It doesn’t come in a pill form because it would get destroyed in the" + 
"stomach during digestion.</span>" 



其工作@马丁。非常感谢。 – User501