为什么我们不能从Object []转换为String [],而我们可以从数组中的值?


为什么这样运行:为什么我们不能从Object []转换为String [],而我们可以从数组中的值?

static TreeMap<String, int[]> configs = new TreeMap<String, int[]>(); 

    int[] upperarms_body = {2,3,4,6}; 
    int[] left_arm = {1,2}; 
    int[] right_arm = {6,7}; 
    int[] right_side = {5,6,7}; 
    int[] head_sternum = {3,4}; 

    configs.put("upperarms_body", upperarms_body); 
    configs.put("left_arm", left_arm); 
    configs.put("right_arm", right_arm); 
    configs.put("right_side", right_side); 
    configs.put("head_sternum", head_sternum); 

    // create a config counter 
    String[] combi = new String[configs.keySet().size()]; 

    Set<String> s = configs.keySet(); 
    int g = 0; 
    for(Object str : s){ 
     combi[g] = (String) str; 


static TreeMap<String, int[]> configs = new TreeMap<String, int[]>(); 

    int[] upperarms_body = {2,3,4,6}; 
    int[] left_arm = {1,2}; 
    int[] right_arm = {6,7}; 
    int[] right_side = {5,6,7}; 
    int[] head_sternum = {3,4}; 

    configs.put("upperarms_body", upperarms_body); 
    configs.put("left_arm", left_arm); 
    configs.put("right_arm", right_arm); 
    configs.put("right_side", right_side); 
    configs.put("head_sternum", head_sternum); 

    //get an array of thekeys which are strings 
    String[] combi = (String[]) configs.keySet().toArray(); 


// Doesn't work: 
String[] strings = (String[]) new Object[0]; 

// Doesn't work either: 
String string = (String) new Object(); 


// This works: 
Object[] array = new Object[1]; 
array[0] = "abc"; 

// ... just like this works, too: 
Object o = "abc"; 


String[] array = new String[1]; 
// Doesn't work: 
array[0] = new Object(); 


Set<String> s = configs.keySet(); 
int g = 0; 
for(Object str : s) { 
    combi[g] = (String) str; 



String[] combi = configs.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); 
String[] combi = configs.keySet().toArray(new String[configs.size()]); 

参考JavaDoc以获得更多信息关于Collection.toArray(T[] a)


+1显示海报需要的代码 – dsh 2012-08-02 11:38:21


我想我现在看到它谢谢! – jorrebor 2012-08-02 13:02:43



Object[] objects = new Object[1]; 
String[] strings = (String[]) objects; // won't compile. 
objects[0] = new Thread(); // put an object in the array. 
strings[0] is a Thread, or a String? 

+1解释'为什么'。 – dsh 2012-08-02 11:36:46


除了你可以绕过类型擦除的编译器检查外,你对'列表'和'列表'有同样的问题。 – 2012-08-02 11:38:17