


fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=io.realm Code=1 "Schema validation failed due to the following errors: - Property 'GearModel.category' declared as origin of linking objects property 'CategoryRepository.gearList' links to type 'CategoryModel'" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Schema validation failed due to the following errors: - Property 'GearModel.category' declared as origin of linking objects property 'CategoryRepository.gearList' links to type 'CategoryModel', Error Code=1}:


import Foundation 
import RealmSwift 

class GearModel: Object{ 

    dynamic var gearID = NSUUID().uuidString 
    dynamic var name = "" 
    dynamic var manufacturer = "" 
    dynamic var sortOrder = 0 
    dynamic var category: CategoryModel? 

    override class func primaryKey() -> String? {return "gearID"} 


import Foundation 
    import RealmSwift 

    class CategoryModel: Object{ 

     dynamic var categoryID = NSUUID().uuidString 
     dynamic var sortOrder = 0 
     dynamic var name = "" 
     let gearList = LinkingObjects(fromType: GearModel.self, property: "category") 

override class func primaryKey() -> String? {return "categoryID"} 

类别库类:行发生致命错误 “让境界= ....”,在allCategories()FUNC

import Foundation 
import RealmSwift 

class CategoryRepository: CategoryModel{ 

    class func GetGearItemsForCategory(CategoryID: String) -> Results<GearModel> 
     let realm = try! Realm() 

     var gearItems = realm.objects(GearModel.self) 

     let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "categoryID = %@", CategoryID) 
     gearItems = gearItems.filter(predicate) 
     return gearItems 

    class func GetCountOfGearItems(CategoryID: String) -> Int 
     let realm = try! Realm() 

     var gearItems = realm.objects(GearModel.self) 

     let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "categoryID = %@", CategoryID) 
     gearItems = gearItems.filter(predicate) 
     return gearItems.count 

    class func AddCategory(CategoryID: String, Name: String, SortOrder: Int){ 

     let realm = try! Realm() 

     let category = CategoryModel(name: CategoryID, categoryID: Name, sortOrder: SortOrder) 

     try! realm.write { 

    class func allCategories() -> Results<CategoryModel> { 

     let realm = try! Realm() 

     return realm.objects(CategoryModel.self).sorted(byProperty: "SortOrder") 

错误'Property'GearModel.categories'... '表明您在GearModel中有另一个名为categories的属性。这是哪里? – Michael


良好的捕获,我从错误中复制了一次尝试修复错误的问题与代码不匹配。在上面的代码中修复。我已经把关系从1多变为了许多。那就是为什么类别变成了类别。但是那也行不通。 –


你可以分享'CategoryRepository'类吗? – Dmitry





老实说,我是Swift的新手,CategoryRepository代码基于Xamarin的教程,然后我将Realm添加为我的数据存储。我今晚会改变这一点,并且标记答案应该如我们所希望的那样运作。 –