为什么我得到“找不到夹具”。当我运行“python manage.py syncdb”命令?


我运行此:为什么我得到“找不到夹具”。当我运行“python manage.py syncdb”命令?

C:\mysite>python manage.py syncdb 
Creating table auth_permission 
Creating table auth_group_permissions 
Creating table auth_group 
Creating table auth_user_user_permissions 
Creating table auth_user_groups 
Creating table auth_user 
Creating table auth_message 
Creating table django_content_type 
Creating table django_session 
Creating table django_site 

You just installed Django's auth system, which means you don't have any superuse 
rs defined. 
Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes 
Username: balu 
E-mail address: [email protected] 
Password (again): 
Superuser created successfully. 
Installing index for auth.Permission model 
Installing index for auth.Group_permissions model 
Installing index for auth.User_user_permissions model 
Installing index for auth.User_groups model 
Installing index for auth.Message model 
No fixtures found. 





此外,如果灯具为YAML格式,则必须安装PyYAML,否则仍会出现“No fixtures found”消息。 https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/serialization/#serialization-formats – monofonik 2012-04-12 12:10:01


您可以通过使用'django.core.serializers'中的'get_public_serializer_formats()'函数来查看可用的内容。 – deterb 2013-12-20 18:00:00