

我有一个列表,我希望此列表(订购号) 中的每个元素都能运行搜索,从chrome中抓取文本并使用网站导航这个订单号。为AppleScript上的每个项目运行子脚本



repeat with theItem in theResult 
Script B 
end repeat 




tell application "Google Chrome" 
    tell front window's active tab to set infoGrab to execute javascript "document.getElementsByClassName('even')[2].innerHTML;" 
end tell 

set theText to Unicode text 
set theSource to infoGrab 
property leftEdge72 : "<a href=\"/" 
property rightEdge72 : "\">" 
set saveTID to text item delimiters 
set text item delimiters to leftEdge72 
set classValue to text item 2 of theSource 
set text item delimiters to rightEdge72 
set uniqueIDKey to text item 1 of classValue 
set text item delimiters to saveTID 



repeat with theItem in theResult 
    set the clipboard to theItem 
    set myScript to load script file ((path to desktop folder as text) & "SEARCH.scpt") 
    tell myScript 
    end tell 
    delay 30 
end repeat 


问:如何做一个列表中的每个元素,包括文本分隔符和更多的其他行动。 PS:抱歉,如果我的帖子很混乱。


您的标题意味着答案。你必须告诉'myScript'来运行** – vadian


是的,这是合理的和工作的,谢谢!不幸的是,对于我来说脚本在几秒钟后仍然失败(但是当他自己运行时没有问题) –



IAC,你为什么要调用脚本而不是使用处理程序? 这里是你的脚本重构使用处理程序,作为一个例子。

repeat with theItem in theResult 
    ## You don't seem to use "theItem" in the Script B ## 
    # if so, then the getID() handler will return the same results for all items in this loop 

    set myID to my getID() 
end repeat 

on getID() -- was Script B 
    -- put in same script file, or in script library 
    -- does this need to have a parameter? 

    tell application "Google Chrome" 
    tell front window's active tab to set infoGrab to execute javascript "document.getElementsByClassName('even')[2].innerHTML;" 
    end tell 

    set theText to Unicode text 
    set theSource to infoGrab 
    set leftEdge72 to "<a href=\"/" 
    set rightEdge72 to "\">" 

    set saveTID to text item delimiters 
    set text item delimiters to leftEdge72 
    set classValue to text item 2 of theSource 
    set text item delimiters to rightEdge72 
    set uniqueIDKey to text item 1 of classValue 
    set text item delimiters to saveTID 
    return uniqueIDKey 
end getID 
