Visual Basic LINQ


我有两个文件,一个参*谁退休和完整的参*之一。我需要从完整名单中删除退休的参*。我正在使用LINQ来处理这个问题,因为我不能像我期望的那样工作。我试图将一个查询与另一个查询进行比较,只将参*从当前名单中退出,然后将他们添加到新文件中。但是当我打开新文件时,它并没有删除退休的参*。这里是我的代码感谢提前任何帮助。Visual Basic LINQ

 ' Query for retired senators 
    Dim senateRetiered = From line In retieredSen 
         Let data = line.Split(","c) 
         Let retName = data(0) 
         Select retName 

    ' query length 
    Dim index As Integer = senateRetiered.ToArray.Length 

     ' Add one to our index we will remove it later in our next query 
    index += 1 

    ' Query for or 110th senate compare to our other query and only select senators that have not retiered 
    Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110 
         Let data = line.Split(","c) 
         Let name = data(0) 
         Let state = data(1) 
         Let party = data(2) 
         Where name <> senateRetiered(index - 1) 
         Select line 

     ' Write the remaining sentators to a new file 
    IO.File.WriteAllLines("sortedSentate.txt", senate110Query) 


Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110 
        Let data = line.Split(","c) 
        Let name = data(0) 
        Let state = data(1) 
        Let party = data(2) 
        Where Not senateRetired.Any(Function(r) r.Name = name) 
        Select line 

这个工作我在那里发言是错误的。谢谢! – amedeiros 2012-03-31 16:51:12


您可以放弃'Let state = data(1)'和'Let party = data(2)',因为它们没有被使用。 'senateRetired'返回字符串,因此条件应该是'Not senateRetired.Any(Function(n)n = name)' – 2012-03-31 17:07:07


Class Senator 
    Public Name As String 
    Public State As String 
    Public Party As String 

    Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean 
     Dim other = TryCast(obj, Senator) 
     If other Is Nothing Then 
      Return False 
     End If 
     Return Name.Equals(other.Name) 
    End Function 

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 
     Return String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", Name, State, Party) 
    End Function 
End Class 


Dim senateRetiered = From line In retieredSen _ 
Let data = line.Split(","c) _ 
Select New Senator() With {.Name = data(0)} 

Dim senate110Query = From line In senate110 _ 
Let data = line.Split(","c) _ 
Select New Senator() With {.Name = data(0), .State = data(1), .Party = data(2)} 

Dim nonRetired = senate110Query.Except(senateRetiered) 

Dim nonRetiredString = nonRetired _ 
.Select(Function(sen) sen.ToString()) 
'Note: I have to append a ".ToArray()" with .NET 3.5 

IO.File.WriteAllLines("sortedSentate.txt", nonRetiredString)