如何使用gdb追踪C++中的double free或corruption错误


当我运行我的C++程序时,它会因此错误而崩溃。如何使用gdb追踪C++中的double free或corruption错误

* glibc的检测* ./load:双重释放或腐败(上一个!): 0x0000000000c6ed50 ***

我试图跟踪它使用的cout语句,但我发现很难。 gdb可以让这更容易吗?它是如何完成的?


我不知道为什么每个人都建议'NULL'指针(它掩盖了被捕获的错误,正如这个问题很好地显示的那样),但是没有人建议完全不做手动内存管理,这在C++中是非常好的。多年以来我没有写过'删除'。 (而且,是的,我的代码对性能至关重要,否则它不会用C++编写)。 – sbi 2010-05-25 08:32:15


@sbi:堆腐败等很少被捕获,至少不是它们发生的地方。 NULL指针可能会让你的程序更早崩溃。 – Hasturkun 2010-05-25 08:45:14


@Hasturkun:我非常不同意。 “NULL”指针的一个主要动机是防止第二个'delete ptr;'被炸毁 - 这掩盖了一个错误,因为第二个'delete'不应该发生。 (它也用来检查一个指针是否仍然指向一个有效的对象,但这只是提出了一个问题,为什么你有一个没有指向对象的指针) – sbi 2010-05-25 08:55:56

您可以使用gdb,但我会先尝试Valgrind。请参阅quick start guide


虽然这个链接可能回答这个问题,最好在这里包括答案的重要部分,并提供参考链接。如果链接页面更改,则仅链接答案可能会失效。 – SMR 2015-03-05 07:32:15


@SMR,在这种情况下,答案的重要部分是整个大型链接页面。所以只包括答案中的链接是完全正确的。关于为什么作者偏好Valgrind而不是gdb以及他如何解决_specific_问题的几句话是恕我直言,答案中真正缺少的是什么。 – ndemou 2016-05-17 07:16:50


  1. 要删除的同一个实体两次
  2. 要删除,这不是分配



  1. 重载new和delete和跟踪分配
  2. 是,使用gdb的 - 那么你会从你的崩溃得到一个回溯,这很可能会很乐于助人
  3. 的建议 - 使用Valgrind的 - 这是不容易进入,而且可以节省您的时间千倍在未来...

gdb是如何完成的? – neuromancer 2010-05-25 05:28:45


2.会导致腐败,但我认为这个消息通常不会出现,因为理智检查只在堆上完成。但是,我认为3.堆缓冲区溢出是可能的。 – 2010-05-25 05:31:47


好的。真的,我错过了让指针为NULL并面对这个错误。得到教训! – hrushi 2017-02-27 03:05:11


  1. 免费后将指针设置为NULL
  2. 释放前检查NULL。
  3. 在开始时初始化指向NULL的指针。



我不是C专家,但我通常可以保持头脑清醒。为什么#1?当你试图访问一个free'd指针,而不仅仅是一个无声的错误时,你的程序是否会崩溃? – 2010-05-25 06:48:42


@Precision:是的,就是这一点。这是一个很好的做法:有一个指向删除内存的指针是一个风险。 – ereOn 2010-05-25 08:15:32


@ereOn:谢谢。我刚刚在C上做了几个类,并且从来不必与其他人编写代码,所以从来没有真正遇到过这个问题。看起来像一个非常好的做法,但。 – 2010-05-25 08:31:08


您可以在运行程序之前使用set environment MALLOC_CHECK_ 2命令从gdb中设置此项;程序应该中止,在回溯中可以看到free()的调用。

看到man page for malloc()以获取更多信息

是否使用智能指针如boost shared_ptr?如果是这样,请通过调用get()来检查是否在任何地方直接使用原始指针。我发现这是一个相当普遍的问题。



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    char* ptr = new char[20]; 

    delete[] ptr; 
    ptr = 0; // Comment me out and watch me crash and burn. 
    delete[] ptr; 



我的程序中没有使用任何删除命令。这仍然是问题吗? – neuromancer 2010-05-26 01:57:19


@Phenom:你为什么不使用删除?是因为你使用智能指针吗?想必你在你的代码中使用new来在堆上创建对象?如果这两个答案都是肯定的,那么你在智能指针上使用get/set来复制原始指针吗?如果是这样,不要!你会打破引用计数。或者,您可以将您正在调用的库代码的指针分配给智能指针。如果你不'拥有'指向的内存,那么不要这样做,因为库和智能指针都会尝试删除它。 – 2010-05-27 11:23:29



int main() 
char *x = malloc(100); 
return 0; 

[[email protected] testbox]$ vim t1.c 
[[email protected] testbox]$ cc -g t1.c -o t1 
[[email protected] testbox]$ ./t1 
*** glibc detected *** ./t1: double free or corruption (top): 0x00000000058f7010 *** 
======= Backtrace: ========= 
======= Memory map: ======== 
00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 68:02 30246184       /home/sand/testbox/t1 
00600000-00601000 rw-p 00000000 68:02 30246184       /home/sand/testbox/t1 
058f7000-05918000 rw-p 058f7000 00:00 0         [heap] 
3a30e00000-3a30e1c000 r-xp 00000000 68:03 5308733      /lib64/ld-2.5.so 
3a3101b000-3a3101c000 r--p 0001b000 68:03 5308733      /lib64/ld-2.5.so 
3a3101c000-3a3101d000 rw-p 0001c000 68:03 5308733      /lib64/ld-2.5.so 
3a31200000-3a3134e000 r-xp 00000000 68:03 5310248      /lib64/libc-2.5.so 
3a3134e000-3a3154e000 ---p 0014e000 68:03 5310248      /lib64/libc-2.5.so 
3a3154e000-3a31552000 r--p 0014e000 68:03 5310248      /lib64/libc-2.5.so 
3a31552000-3a31553000 rw-p 00152000 68:03 5310248      /lib64/libc-2.5.so 
3a31553000-3a31558000 rw-p 3a31553000 00:00 0 
3a41c00000-3a41c0d000 r-xp 00000000 68:03 5310264      /lib64/libgcc_s-4.1.2-20080825.so.1 
3a41c0d000-3a41e0d000 ---p 0000d000 68:03 5310264      /lib64/libgcc_s-4.1.2-20080825.so.1 
3a41e0d000-3a41e0e000 rw-p 0000d000 68:03 5310264      /lib64/libgcc_s-4.1.2-20080825.so.1 
2b1912300000-2b1912302000 rw-p 2b1912300000 00:00 0 
2b191231c000-2b191231d000 rw-p 2b191231c000 00:00 0 
7ffffe214000-7ffffe229000 rw-p 7ffffffe9000 00:00 0      [stack] 
7ffffe2b0000-7ffffe2b4000 r-xp 7ffffe2b0000 00:00 0      [vdso] 
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffffe00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0     [vsyscall] 
[[email protected] testbox]$ 

[[email protected] testbox]$ vim t1.c 
[[email protected] testbox]$ cc -g t1.c -o t1 
[[email protected] testbox]$ valgrind --tool=memcheck ./t1 
==20859== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==20859== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==20859== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==20859== Command: ./t1 
==20859== Invalid free()/delete/delete[] 
==20859== at 0x4A05A31: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325) 
==20859== by 0x4004FF: main (t1.c:8) 
==20859== Address 0x4c26040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 100 free'd 
==20859== at 0x4A05A31: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325) 
==20859== by 0x4004F6: main (t1.c:7) 
==20859== HEAP SUMMARY: 
==20859==  in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks 
==20859== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 2 frees, 100 bytes allocated 
==20859== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible 
==20859== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v 
==20859== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 4) 
[[email protected] testbox]$ 

[[email protected] testbox]$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./t1 
==20899== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==20899== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==20899== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==20899== Command: ./t1 
==20899== Invalid free()/delete/delete[] 
==20899== at 0x4A05A31: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325) 
==20899== by 0x4004FF: main (t1.c:8) 
==20899== Address 0x4c26040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 100 free'd 
==20899== at 0x4A05A31: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325) 
==20899== by 0x4004F6: main (t1.c:7) 
==20899== HEAP SUMMARY: 
==20899==  in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks 
==20899== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 2 frees, 100 bytes allocated 
==20899== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible 
==20899== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v 
==20899== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 4) 
[[email protected] testbox]$ 



int main() 
char *x = malloc(100); 
return 0; 

[[email protected] testbox]$ vim t1.c 
[[email protected] testbox]$ cc -g t1.c -o t1 
[[email protected] testbox]$ ./t1 
[[email protected] testbox]$ 

[[email protected] testbox]$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./t1 
==20958== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==20958== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==20958== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==20958== Command: ./t1 
==20958== HEAP SUMMARY: 
==20958==  in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks 
==20958== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 100 bytes allocated 
==20958== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible 
==20958== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v 
==20958== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 4) 
[[email protected] testbox]$ 








$cat d_free.cxx 

using namespace std; 

int main() 

    int * i = new int(); 
    delete i; 
    //i = NULL; 
    delete i; 


# g++-7.1 d_free.cxx -Wall -Werror -fsanitize=address -g 


# ./a.out 
==4836==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: attempting double-free on 0x602000000010 in thread T0: 
    #0 0x7f35b2d7b3c8 in operator delete(void*, unsigned long) /media/sf_shared/gcc-7.1.0/libsanitizer/asan/asan_new_delete.cc:140 
    #1 0x400b2c in main /media/sf_shared/jkr/cpp/d_free/d_free.cxx:11 
    #2 0x7f35b2050c04 in __libc_start_main (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x21c04) 
    #3 0x400a08 (/media/sf_shared/jkr/cpp/d_free/a.out+0x400a08) 

0x602000000010 is located 0 bytes inside of 4-byte region [0x602000000010,0x602000000014) 
freed by thread T0 here: 
    #0 0x7f35b2d7b3c8 in operator delete(void*, unsigned long) /media/sf_shared/gcc-7.1.0/libsanitizer/asan/asan_new_delete.cc:140 
    #1 0x400b1b in main /media/sf_shared/jkr/cpp/d_free/d_free.cxx:9 
    #2 0x7f35b2050c04 in __libc_start_main (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x21c04) 

previously allocated by thread T0 here: 
    #0 0x7f35b2d7a040 in operator new(unsigned long) /media/sf_shared/gcc-7.1.0/libsanitizer/asan/asan_new_delete.cc:80 
    #1 0x400ac9 in main /media/sf_shared/jkr/cpp/d_free/d_free.cxx:8 
    #2 0x7f35b2050c04 in __libc_start_main (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x21c04) 

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: double-free /media/sf_shared/gcc-7.1.0/libsanitizer/asan/asan_new_delete.cc:140 in operator delete(void*, unsigned long) 

要了解更多有关你可以检查消毒剂thisthis或任何现代的C++编译器(例如, gcc,clang等)文件。

任何解决方案me.So没有工作,我开始乱搞找到一种方法,这为我工作的: 错误是显示每次我:

MyClass b(5); 
MyClass a = b; 


MyClass b(5); 
MyClass a; 
a = b; 
