



email_id, person_id, organisation_id, email_address Usage 
1   NULL  12    [email protected] WorkEmail 
2   12   NULL    [email protected] WorkEmail 
3   13   NULL    [email protected] WorkEmail 
4   14   NULL    [email protected] WorkEmail 
5   NULL  13    [email protected] WorkEmail 
6   14   NULL    [email protected] PersonalEmail 
7   NULL  14    [email protected] PersonalEmail 
8   13   NULL    [email protected] WorkEmail 


registration_id, person_id, organisation_id, name, registration_Date 
1    NULL  12    ORG12 10/05/2013 
2    12   NULL    P12 10/05/2013 
3    13   NULL    P13 10/05/2013 
4    14   NULL    P14 10/05/2013 
5    NULL  13    O13 10/05/2013 
6    NULL  14    O14 10/05/2013 

我需要一个选择statment,这将使我的每个登记备案的workemail;其中,登记备案有一个以上的工作电子邮件地址 那么第一个记录应(表1 EMAIL_ID 3和8例如记录)进行选择:

registration_id, person_id, organisation_id, name, email address 
1    NULL  12   ORG12 [email protected] 
2    12   NULL   P12 [email protected] 
3    13   NULL   P13 [email protected] 
4    14   NULL   P14 [email protected] 
5    NULL  13   O13 [email protected] 
6    NULL  14   O14 NULL 


SELECT t1.registration_id, t1.person_id, t1.organisation_id, t1.name, t2.email_Address 
FROM table2 t1 
LEFT JOIN table1 ON t2.person_id = t1.person_id 
    t2.organisation_id = t1.organisation_id 


/* setup */ 
create table Table_1 
     email_id bigint not null --identity(1,1) 
    , person_id bigint 
    , organisation_id bigint 
    , email_address nvarchar(256) not null 
    , Usage nvarchar(16) not null 
insert Table_1 (email_id, person_id, organisation_id, email_address, Usage) 
     select 1   ,NULL  ,12    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 
union select 2   ,12   ,NULL    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 
union select 3   ,13   ,NULL    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 
union select 4   ,14   ,NULL    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 
union select 5   ,NULL  ,13    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 
union select 6   ,14   ,NULL    ,'[email protected]' ,'PersonalEmail' 
union select 7   ,NULL  ,14    ,'[email protected]' ,'PersonalEmail' 
union select 8   ,13   ,NULL    ,'[email protected]' ,'WorkEmail' 

create table Table_2 
     registration_id bigint not null --identity(1,1) 
    , person_id bigint 
    , organisation_id bigint 
    , name nvarchar(32) not null 
    , registration_Date date not null 
insert Table_2 (registration_id, person_id, organisation_id, name, registration_Date) 
     select 1    ,NULL  ,12    ,'ORG12' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 2    ,12   ,NULL    ,'P12' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 3    ,13   ,NULL    ,'P13' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 4    ,14   ,NULL    ,'P14' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 5    ,NULL  ,13    ,'O13' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 6    ,NULL  ,14    ,'O14' ,'10/05/2013' 

/* get the results */ 
SELECT t2.registration_id, t2.person_id, t2.organisation_id, t2.name, t1.email_Address 
FROM table_2 t2 
left outer join 
    select person_id, organisation_id, email_address 
    from Table_1 a 
    inner join 
     select MIN(email_id) email_id 
     from Table_1 
     where Usage = 'WorkEmail'  
     group by person_id, organisation_id 
    ) b 
    on a.email_id = b.email_id  
) t1 
    ON t2.person_id = t1.person_id 
    OR t2.organisation_id = t1.organisation_id 



select x.registration_id, x.person_id, x.organisation_id, x.name, x.email_Address 
    SELECT t2.registration_id, t2.person_id, t2.organisation_id, t2.name, t1.email_Address, t1.usage 
    , row_number() over (partition by t2.registration_id, t1.usage order by t1.email_id) r 
    FROM table_2 t2 
    LEFT JOIN table_1 t1 
     ON t2.person_id = t1.person_id 
     OR t2.organisation_id = t1.organisation_id 
) x 
where (x.r = 1 and x.usage = 'WorkEmail') --limit to the first email address if there are multiple work email matches for the same registration (table2) record 
or x.usage <> 'WorkEmail' --if it's not work email, don't limit the number 

感谢response.Should最后一行写着:或x.usage 'PersonalEmail'?此外,我们的数据库是在SQL Server 2000上,row_number不是一个可识别的功能,有没有其他选择? – Babs 2013-05-14 04:11:19


不等于工作电子邮件在那里,因为我原来虽然你想要所有的个人电子邮件,并且只是每个工作邮件的第一个 - 现在修改为只返回每个工作邮件的第一个。可悲的是我无法仿效SQL2000 /不确切地知道支持什么,但希望我的修改后的答案能为此工作;让我知道。 。 。 – JohnLBevan 2013-05-14 22:17:29


需要我说最后一个查询就像一个魅力:-)非常感谢! – Babs 2013-05-15 09:04:20

PS。添加第二个答案以涵盖另一点。不要在任何地方都要有Organisation_ID和Person_ID来保存两者的详细信息,请创建一个名为Party的表格,为每个组织和个人提供唯一的ID - 然后将其与组织/人员记录相关联。现在,您可以简单地使用任意表格中的任何一个表格,您希望能够将人员ID和组织标识关联起来。



/* setup */ 
if OBJECT_ID('Registrations') is not null drop table Registrations 
if OBJECT_ID('PartyContact') is not null drop table PartyContact 
if OBJECT_ID('ContactType') is not null drop table ContactType 
if OBJECT_ID('Organisation') is not null drop table Organisation 
if OBJECT_ID('Person') is not null drop table Person 
if OBJECT_ID('Party') is not null drop table Party 

create table ContactType 
    contactType_id int not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_ContactType primary key clustered 
    , name nvarchar(16) not null constraint UK_ContactType_Name unique 
set identity_insert ContactType on 
insert ContactType (contactType_id, name) 
     select 1, 'WorkEmail' 
union select 2, 'PersonalEmail' 
union select 3, 'Mobile/Cell' 
set identity_insert ContactType off 

create table Party 
    party_id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_Party primary key clustered 
    , name nvarchar(256) not null --this is duplicating the name on the Person/Organisation tables; normally this denormalisation would be bad practice, but here it assists in making data available in the table from which it will be referenced 
    --any other attributes which you want to be common to all parties 
set identity_insert Party on 
insert Party (party_id, name) 
     select 12, 'Rob Ottow' 
union select 13, 'Ann Droid' 
union select 14, 'Si Bermann' 
union select 112, 'Global Mega Org' 
union select 113, 'GeoTech Solutions' 
union select 114, 'Think Ink inc.' 
set identity_insert Party off 

create table Person 
    person_id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_Person primary key clustered 
    , name nvarchar(256) not null 
    , party_id bigint not null constraint FK_Person_PartyId references Party(party_id) 
           constraint UK_Person_PartyId unique 
    , dob date 
set identity_insert Person on 
insert Person (person_id, name, party_id, dob) 
     select 2, 'Rob Ottow' , 12, '1984-12-25' 
union select 3, 'Ann Droid' , 13, null --it's impolite to give a woman's age 
union select 4, 'Si Bermann', 14, '1973-06-12' 
set identity_insert Person off 

create table Organisation --en-gb spelling since that's where I'm from 
    organisation_id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_Organisation primary key clustered 
    , name nvarchar(256) not null 
    , party_id bigint not null constraint FK_Organisation_PartyId references Party(party_id) 
    , taxNumber nchar(12) not null 
set identity_insert Organisation on 
insert Organisation (organisation_id, name, party_id, taxNumber) 
     select 1, 'Global Mega Org' , 112, '123456789012' 
union select 2, 'GeoTech Solutions' , 113, '' 
union select 3, 'Think Ink inc.' , 114, '9' 
set identity_insert Organisation off 

create table PartyContact 
     partyContact_id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_PartyContract primary key clustered 
    , party_id bigint not null constraint FK_PartyContract_PartyId foreign key references Party(party_id) 
    , contactDetails nvarchar(256) not null 
    , contactType_id int not null constraint FK_PartyContract_ContactTypeId foreign key references ContactType(contactType_id) 
set identity_insert PartyContact on 
insert PartyContact (partyContact_id, party_id, contactDetails, contactType_id) 
     select 1   ,112  ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 2   ,12   ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 3   ,13   ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 4   ,14   ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 5   ,113  ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 6   ,14   ,'[email protected]' ,2 
union select 7   ,114  ,'[email protected]' ,2 
union select 8   ,13   ,'[email protected]' ,1 
union select 9   ,13   ,'' ,3 
set identity_insert PartyContact off 

create table Registrations 
     registration_id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_Registrations primary key clustered 
    , party_id bigint not null constraint FK_Registrations_PartyId references Party(party_id) 
    , name nvarchar(32) not null 
    , registration_Date date not null 
set identity_insert Registrations on 
insert Registrations (registration_id, party_id, name, registration_Date) 
     select 1    ,112  ,'ORG12' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 2    ,12   ,'P12' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 3    ,13   ,'P13' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 4    ,14   ,'P14' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 5    ,113  ,'O13' ,'10/05/2013' 
union select 6    ,114  ,'O14' ,'10/05/2013' 
set identity_insert Registrations off 

/* get the results */ 
SELECT r.registration_id, r.party_id, p.person_id, o.organisation_id, r.name, c.contactDetails 
FROM Registrations r 
left outer join Person p on p.party_id = r.party_id 
left outer join Organisation o on o.party_id = r.party_id 
left outer join 
    select party_id, contactDetails 
    from PartyContact a 
    inner join 
     select MIN(partyContact_id) partyContact_id 
     from PartyContact 
     where contactType_id in (select contactType_id from ContactType where name = 'WorkEmail') 
     group by party_id 
    ) b 
    on a.partyContact_id = b.partyContact_id  
) c 
    ON r.party_id = c.party_id