


我想获得用户的经理 - 但是在属性列表中找不到它,oUser.GetExchangeUserManager不起作用

Dim appOL As Outlook.Application ' Object 
    Dim oGAL As Outlook.AddressEntries ' .NameSpace Object 
    Dim oContact As Outlook.AddressEntry ' Object 
    Dim oUser As ExchangeUser ' Object 
    Dim arrUsers(1 To 65000, 1 To 4) As String 
    Dim UserIndex As Long 
    Dim i As Long 

    Set appOL = New Outlook.Application ' CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set oGAL = appOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists("Global Address List").AddressEntries 

    For i = 1 To oGAL.Count 
     Set oContact = oGAL.Item(i) 
     If oContact.AddressEntryUserType = 0 Then 
      Set oUser = oContact.GetExchangeUser 
      If Len(oUser.lastname) > 0 Then 
       UserIndex = UserIndex + 1 
       arrUsers(UserIndex, 1) = oUser.Name 
       arrUsers(UserIndex, 2) = oUser.Department 
       arrUsers(UserIndex, 3) = oUser.JobTitle ' Blank 
       'arrUsers(UserIndex, 4) = oUser.GetExchangeUserManager ' ERROR   
      End If 
     End If 
    Next i 


    If UserIndex > 0 Then 
     Range("A2").Resize(UserIndex, UBound(arrUsers, 2)).Value = arrUsers 
    End If 

    Set appOL = Nothing 
    Set oGAL = Nothing 
    Set oContact = Nothing 
    Set oUser = Nothing 
    Erase arrUsers 

End Sub 


使用AddressEntry.Manager - 它会返回另一个AddressEntry代表管理器的对象。准备好处理Null s。


谢谢,但在我上面的代码中,我在我的'oContact'对象变量中使用了'AddressEntry'。当我在oContact之后放置一个完整的停留时间段来查看成员列表时,成员列表中没有Manager项目 –


AddressEntry.Manager早在Outlook 2000(我没有检查以前的版本)时就已经公开。如果该属性被隐藏,则Intellisense不会显示它。尝试在代码中输入并使用它。 –