Jquery Datatable对话框 - 对话框仅打开第一个对话框


我目前正在使用DataTable和对话框。但是,似乎只能在第一次点击时打开对话窗口。每增加一次点击都会打开网站,但不会打开对话窗口。Jquery Datatable对话框 - 对话框仅打开第一个对话框


<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"> 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    function DialogInformation() { 
     var $link = $(this); 
     var $dialog = $('<div></div>').dialog({ 
       autoOpen: false, 
       title: $link.attr('title'), 
       width: 800, 
       height: 400, 
       modal: true, 
       open: function() 
     return false; 

     "iDisplayLength": 10, 
     "bInfo" : false, 
     "bProcessing": false, 
      "bServerSide": false, 
     "sAjaxSource": 'getLists', 
     "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", 
     "aoColumns": [ 
      { "mDataProp": "Title" , "sTitle": "Titel"}, 
      { "mDataProp": "Info", "sTitle": "", "sClass": "info", "mRender": function (data, type, row) { 
       return '<a href="getLists/'+ data +'" title="Information -'+ row.Title + '" class="info">Info</a>'; } 
      { "mDataProp": "Min" , "sTitle": "Min"}, 
      { "mDataProp": "Price" , "sTitle": "Preis"}, 

     "fnDrawCallback": function() { 
      //bind the click handler script to the newly created elements held in the table 
      $('tbody td.info a.info').bind('click',DialogInformation); 

.bind()重视在 'domready中' click事件。使用.on来附加事件处理程序,就像这样

$('tbody').on('click', 'td.info a.info',DialogInformation); 

这可以在'ready()'本身完成,不需要使用'fnDrawCallback' – 2013-02-13 02:46:49