
*** Settings ***

Library           RequestsLibrary

Library           requests

Library           json

Library           AppiumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***


    Open Application    http://localhost:4723/wd/hub    platformName=Android    deviceName=test    appPackage=com.tencent.mm    appActivity=.ui.LauncherUI    platformVersion=6.0

    Wait Until Page Contains    始终允许

    click button    始终允许

    click button    始终允许

    click button    始终允许

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许

    click element    xpath=//*[@text="登录"]

    click button    用微信号/QQ号/邮箱登录

    input text    xpath=//*[@class="android.widget.EditText"][1]    1106648034

    input text    xpath=(//*[@class="android.widget.EditText"])[2]    91CTT1106648034

    click element    xpath=//*[@text="登录"]

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许