


<script language="JavaScript"> 
function toggle(source) { 
    checkboxes = document.getElementsById('checkall'); 
    for(var i in checkboxes) 
    checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked; 
<input type='checkbox' onClick='toggle(this)' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[0][order_id]' value='16885' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[1][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[2][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[3][order_id]' value='17007' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[4][order_id]' value='17011' /><br /> 

为什么复选框ID是相同的? ID必须是唯一的不同。 – 2012-02-29 03:16:40


我相信像这样的问题已经有很多了...... – 2012-02-29 03:28:23


我搜索了所有尝试不同的例子,并可以让他们工作,但现在在别人的帮助下,它完美地工作。谢谢!! – 2012-02-29 18:01:51


function toggle(oInput) { 
    var aInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
    for (var i=0;i<aInputs.length;i++) { 
     if (aInputs[i] != oInput) { 
      aInputs[i].checked = oInput.checked; 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function toggle(source) { 
     var aInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
     for (var i=0;i<aInputs.length;i++) { 
      if (aInputs[i] != source && aInputs[i].className == source.className) { 
       aInputs[i].checked = source.checked; 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' onClick='toggle(this)' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' name='orders[0][order_id]' value='16885' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' name='orders[1][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' name='orders[2][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' name='orders[3][order_id]' value='17007' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' class='checkall' name='orders[4][order_id]' value='17011' /><br /> 

完美,谢谢大家的帮助。 – 2012-02-29 18:00:50

的ID都应该是独一无二的 - 从未有不止一个HTML元素具有相同id,它是无效的。这也是为什么你有一个问题 - 没有这样的方法document.getElementsById,只有document.getElementById。相反,你可以使用类。以下是如何解决你的问题在纯JavaScript:

function toggle(source) { 
    var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
    var i, input; 

    for(i = 0; input = inputs[i]; i++) { 
     if((' ' + input.className + ' ').indexOf(' checkall ') > -1) { 
      input.checked = source.checked; 

和更改所有的id="checkall" s到class="checkall"



<script language="JavaScript"> 
function toggle(source) { 
    // Get all input elements 
    var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
    // Loop over inputs to find the checkboxes whose name starts with `orders` 
    for(var i =0; i<inputs.length; i++) { 
    if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' && inputs[i].name.indexOf('orders') === 0) { 
     inputs[i].checked = source.checked; 
<input type='checkbox' onClick='toggle(this)' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[0][order_id]' value='16885' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[1][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[2][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[3][order_id]' value='17007' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' id='checkall' name='orders[4][order_id]' value='17011' /><br /> 

你可以简单地包装所有复选框,你NEAD itterate THROU成div和获得它的childNodes和使用getElementById访问DIV

<script language="JavaScript"> 
function toggle(source) { 
    //use getElementById to access to DOM objects by ID 
    var checkboxes = document.getElementById('checkall').childNodes; 
    var source = document.getElementById('source'); 
    //now just itterate throu all checkboxess that is in the 'checkall' DIV 
    for(var i in checkboxes) { 
    checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked; 
<!--Give an ID to the source checkbox so we could access it from Javascript--> 
<input id="source" type='checkbox' onClick='toggle(this)' /><br /> 

<!--Just wrap all checkboxes that you nead to itterate into the DIV--> 
<div id="checkall"> 
<input type='checkbox' name='orders[0][order_id]' value='16885' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' name='orders[1][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' name='orders[2][order_id]' value='17006' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' name='orders[3][order_id]' value='17007' /><br /> 
<input type='checkbox' name='orders[4][order_id]' value='17011' /><br /> 



<form id="form_"><br/> 
    <input type='checkbox' name='item1' value='16885' /> 
    <input type='checkbox' name='item1' value='17006' /> 
    <input type='checkbox' name='item1' value='17006' /> 
    <input type='checkbox' name='item1' value='17007' /> 
    <input type='checkbox' name='item1' value='17011' /> 
    <a href="javascript:;" id="select_all1"><br/>Select All</a> 
    <a href="javascript:;" id="clear_all1"><br/>Clear All</a> 
    <button id="btnRemove1"><br/>Remove</button> 

$("#select_all1").click(function() { 
    var item = document.getElementsByName("item1"); 
    for (var i=0; i < item.length; i++) { 
$("#clear_all1").click(function() { 
    var item = document.getElementsByName("item1"); 
    for (var i=0; i < item.length; i++) { 
     if(item[i].checked) { 
     } else { 
      alert("Nothing to clear."); 
      return false; 
$("#btnRemove1").click(function() { 
    var items = $('.item1').is(':checked'); 
    if(items) { 
      window.location = "/contents?"+ $("form#form_").serialize(); 
    else { 
     alert("Nothing to remove."); 
     return false; 

不要使用<堆栈溢出的选项让代码学习 – 2013-07-25 05:03:00