




Full Tilt Poker Game #23461961057: Table .COM Play 463 (deep) - 3000/6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:16:29 ET - 2010/08/29 
Seat 2: Player1 (795,425) 
Seat 5: Player2 (1,200,000) 
Player1 posts the small blind of 3,000 
Player2 posts the big blind of 6,000 
The button is in seat #2 
**** HOLE CARDS **** 
Dealt to Player1 [Ac 4c] 
Player1 raises to 12,000 
Player2 raises to 687,000 
Player1 raises to 795,425, and is all in 
Player2 folds 
Player2 adds 687,000 
Uncalled bet of 108,425 returned to Player1 
Player1 mucks 
Player1 wins the pot (1,374,000) 
*** SUMMARY *** 
Total pot 1,374,000 | Rake 0 
Seat 2: Player1 (small blind) collected (1,374,000), mucked 
Seat 5: Player2 (big blind) folded before the Flop 


Full Tilt Poker Game #23461961057: Table .COM 463 (deep) - $3000/$6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:16:29 ET - 2010/08/29 
Seat 2: Player1 ($795,425) 
Seat 5: Player2 ($1,200,000) 
Player1 posts the small blind of $3,000 
Player2 posts the big blind of $6,000 
The button is in seat #2 
*** HOLE CARDS *** 
Dealt to Player1 [Ac 4c] 
Player1 raises to $12,000 
Player2 raises to $687,000 
Player1 raises to $795,425, and is all in 
Player2 folds 
Player2 adds $687,000 
Uncalled bet of $108,425 returned to Player1 
Player1 mucks 
Player1 wins the pot ($1,374,000) 
*** SUMMARY *** 
Total pot $1,374,000 | Rake $0 
Seat 2: Player1 (small blind) collected ($1,374,000), mucked 
Seat 5: Player2 (big blind) folded before the Flop 



与$ \ 1

本质更换,这样做是认为可以通过不以“#”或字母或座位开始(因为我注意到,逗号separted所有号码在字符串“Full Tilt Poker Game#23461961057”和“Seat 2”中,您没有添加$)。算法是贪婪的,所以应该考虑到模式在用逗号分隔的数字中的每个逗号之后重复的事实。



让我想起旧电脑怪胎的笑话......“嘿雷吉,看看你身后。” “那是什么?” “嗯,这当然不是JavaScript,哈哈哈!” – ewall 2010-11-02 17:47:49


(管理层想为最后一个笑话道歉,并向您保证,作者*将会*回到他的药物上以防止进一步爆发。) – ewall 2010-11-02 17:49:27


好吧,现在让代码看起来不像现有语言并不难是吗? 〜_ ^ – Neil 2010-11-03 09:44:56