


Connection http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/IC116011.png

public class Runner 
    public static string RunExecutable(string machine, string executable, string username, string password, string domain) 
      ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions(); 
      connectionOptions.Authority = "kerberos:" + domain + @"\" + machine; 
      connectionOptions.Username = username; 
      connectionOptions.Password = password; 
      connectionOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Delegate; 
      connectionOptions.Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.PacketPrivacy; 

      //define the WMI root name space 
      ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + machine + "." + domain + @"\root\CIMV2", connectionOptions); 

      //define path for the WMI class 
      ManagementPath p = new ManagementPath("Win32_Process"); 

      //define new instance 
      ManagementClass classInstance = new ManagementClass(scope, p, null); 

      ManagementClass startupSettings = new ManagementClass("Win32_ProcessStartup"); 
      startupSettings.Scope = scope; 
      startupSettings["CreateFlags"] = 16777216; 

      // Obtain in-parameters for the method 
      ManagementBaseObject inParams = classInstance.GetMethodParameters("Create"); 

      // Add the input parameters. 
      inParams["CommandLine"] = executable; 
      inParams["ProcessStartupInformation"] = startupSettings; 

      // Execute the method and obtain the return values. 
      ManagementBaseObject outParams = classInstance.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null); 

      // List outParams 
      string retVal = outParams["ReturnValue"].ToString(); 
      return "ReturnValue: " + retVal; 

     catch (ManagementException me) 
      return me.Message; 

     catch (COMException ioe) 
      return ioe.Message; 

我在我的环境中有5台机器,都在同一个域中。 3运行Windows Server 2008R2,一个Windows 7和一台Windows XP:

  • WinXP的
  • Win7的
  • Master2008
  • Slave2008-1
  • Slave2008-2




我试图启动的过程是\\“机” \ C $ \ Windows \ System32下\ CALC.EXE

我试图运行来自不同计算机的过程中,并且将所得的下列(该程序在Master2008 beeing运行):

On WinXP 
- From Win7: Failed (8) 
- From Slave2008-1: Failed (8) 
- From Slave2008-2: Failed (8) 
- From Master2008: Failed (8) 

On Win7 
- From WinXP: Success (0) 
- From Slave2008-1: Failed (8) 
- From Slave2008-2: Failed (8) 
- From Master2008: Failed (8) 

On Slave2008-1 
- From WinXP: Success (0) 
- From Win7: Success (0) 
- From Slave2008-2: Success (0) 
- From Master2008: Success (0) 

On Slave2008-2 
- From WinXP: Success (0) 
- From Win7: Success (0) 
- From Slave2008-1: Success (0) 
- From Master2008: Success (0) 





不工作。 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee156574.aspx

不能使用委派模拟级别,除非所有参与交易的用户帐户和计算机帐户都被标记为在Active Directory中为委派信任。这有助于降低安全风险。尽管远程计算机可以使用您的凭证,但只有当它与交易中涉及的任何其他计算机都可信任才能进行委托时,它才可以使用凭证。


接听标记为解决一个2岁多的问题似乎有点多余。计算机已经在AD中标记为可信,并不是问题。 – Avilan 2013-12-19 11:24:01