


lines of data not needed 
lines of data not needed 
lines of data not needed 

    ***** REPORT 1 ***** 

[key] lines of interest are here 
[key] lines of interest are here 
[key] lines of interest are here 
[key] lines of interest are here 
[key] lines of interest are here  #This can also be the EOF 

    ***** REPORT 2 ***** 

lines of data not needed 
lines of data not needed 
lines of data not needed   #Or this will be the EOF 


flist = open("filename.txt").readlines() 

for line in flist: 
    if line.startswith("\t**** Report 1"): 
for line in flist: 
    if line.startswith("\t**** Report 2"): 
    if line.startswith("[key]"): 
    #do stuff with data 



flist = open("filename.txt").readlines() 

parsing = False 
for line in flist: 
    if line.startswith("\t**** Report 1"): 
     parsing = True 
    elif line.startswith("\t**** Report 2"): 
     parsing = False 
    if parsing: 
     #Do stuff with data 

如果你想避免解析行“*报告1” ......本身,简单地把开始状态之后, if parsing,即

flist = open("filename.txt").readlines() 

parsing = False 
for line in flist: 

    if line.startswith("\t**** Report 2"): 
     parsing = False 
    if parsing: 
     #Do stuff with data 
    if line.startswith("\t**** Report 1"): 
     parsing = True 

我喜欢它:)我会试试这个,明天 – user1443368 2012-07-31 02:56:39


或者,你可以把一个'continue'语句解析= TRUE;后'不解析“\ * \ * \ *报告1 \ * \ * \ * \ *'行。 – mgilson 2012-07-31 03:00:00


@mgilson:虽然我同意继续循环效率低下......为什么你建议'continue'而不是'break'? – jmetz 2016-03-20 15:36:57