



use strict; 
use warnings; 
use threads; 
use threads::shared; 
use Thread::Queue; 
use DBI(); 
use File::Touch; 

my $databasefile = "/var/www/deamon/new.db"; 
my $count  = touch($databasefile); 

my $dbuser  = "****"; 
my $dbpwd   = "****"; 
my $dbhost  = "localhost"; 
my $dbname  = "****"; 
my $max_threads = 16; 
my $queue_id_list = Thread::Queue->new; 
my @childs; 

#feeds entries to the queue list 
my $ArrayMonitor = threads->new(\&URLArrayMonitor, $queue_id_list); 
sleep 3; #make sure system has enough time to connect and load up array 

#start 10 crawler threads (these are the work horses) 
my $CrawlerThreads =(); 
for (0 .. $max_threads) { 
    $CrawlerThreads->[$_] = threads->new(\&NameChecker, $queue_id_list); 

    #print "Crawler " . ($_ + 1) . " created.\n"; 

#print "Letting threads run until queue is empty.\n"; 

while ($queue_id_list->pending > 0) { 
    sleep .01; 

sleep 1; 

foreach my $thr (threads->list) { 

    # don't join the main or ourselves 
    if ($thr->tid && !threads::equal($thr, threads->self)) { 

     #print "Waiting for thread " . $thr->tid . " to join\n"; 
     #print "Thread " . $thr->join . " has joined.\n"; 
     sleep .01; 

sub URLArrayMonitor { 
    my ($queue_id_list) = @_; 

    # here we walk though all users/select database and check what needs to be checked 
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=" . $dbname . ";host=" . $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, {'RaiseError' => 1}); 
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ci_users WHERE user_group >= 10 ORDER BY user_id"); 
    while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { 

     # now we check the user if there are names we need to check 
     print "Now checking relian_user_" . $ref->{'user_id'} . "\r\n"; 
     eval { 
      my $dbuser 
       = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=user_" . $ref->{'user_id'} . ";host=" . $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, {'RaiseError' => 1}); 
      my $stuser = $dbuser->prepare("SELECT * FROM ci_address_book WHERE lastchecked=0"); #select only new 
      while (my $entry = $stuser->fetchrow_hashref()) { 
       my @queueitem = ($ref->{'user_id'} . "#" . $entry->{'id'}); 
     warn "failed to connect - $dbuser->errstr" if ([email protected]); 
    print "List now contains " . $queue_id_list->pending . " records.\n"; 
    sleep 1; 

sub NameChecker { 
    my ($queue_id_list) = @_; 
    while ($queue_id_list->pending > 0) { 
     my $info = $queue_id_list->dequeue_nb; 
     if (defined($info)) { 
      my @details  = split(/#/, $info); 
      my $result  = system("/var/www/deamon/NewScan/match_name db=" . $details[0] . " id=" . $details[1]); 
      my $databasefile = "/var/www/deamon/new.db"; 
      my $count  = touch($databasefile); 

      #print "Thread: ". threads->self->tid. " - Done user: ".$details[0]. " and addressbook id: ". $details[1]."\r\n"; 
      #print $queue_id_list->pending."\r\n"; 

    #print "Crawler " . threads->self->tid . " ready to exit.\n"; 

    return threads->self->tid; 

什么OS /版本,你运行?只需粘贴`perl -v`的输出 – Dan 2011-01-28 16:59:30


[use forks;](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?forks) – ephemient 2011-01-28 17:04:37

您在每个线程中执行的任务看起来并不是CPU密集型的。他们? &URLArrayMonitor使用数据库资源,但除非数据库与Perl脚本位于同一台计算机上,否则不会使用大量CPU。我不知道&NameChecker中的外部程序可能会使用哪些资源,但根据您的意见,它看起来可能会使用很多网络带宽;再次没有太多的CPU。所以如果你可以在单个内核上运行这个脚本,你不应该感到惊讶。


use threads; 
use Math::BigInt; 
threads->new(sub {print new Math::BigInt($_[0])->bfac()}, 400000) for 1..10; 
print `uptime` while sleep 5;