使用VS2010构建的可执行文件不是有效的win32应用程序; bindump说这是一个DLL


我一直在做一个涉及FFT的C++程序,并且在我决定使用FFTW之前它工作得很好。从.def文件创建库并将它们链接到我的项目后,它会成功生成。但是,当我尝试运行该应用程序时,它告诉我它不是有效的win32应用程序。对所产生的文件运行产量DUMPBIN:使用VS2010构建的可执行文件不是有效的win32应用程序; bindump说这是一个DLL




PE signature found 

File Type: DLL 

      14C machine (x86) 
       7 number of sections 
     512E72CE time date stamp Wed Feb 27 14:55:42 2013 
       0 file pointer to symbol table 
       0 number of symbols 
       E0 size of optional header 
      2102 characteristics 
        32 bit word machine 

      10B magiC# (PE32) 
      10.00 linker version 
      1C000 size of code 
      3A000 size of initialized data 
       0 size of uninitialized data 
      1229D entry point (1001229D) @ILT+4760([email protected]) 
      1000 base of code 
      1000 base of data 
     10000000 image base (10000000 to 10069FFF) 
      1000 section alignment 
      200 file alignment 
      5.01 operating system version 
      0.00 image version 
      5.01 subsystem version 
       0 Win32 version 
      6A000 size of image 
      400 size of headers 
      59987 checksum 
       3 subsystem (Windows CUI) 
      140 DLL characteristics 
        Dynamic base 
        NX compatible 
      100000 size of stack reserve 
      1000 size of stack commit 
      100000 size of heap reserve 
      1000 size of heap commit 
       0 loader flags 
       10 number of directories 
      30370 [ 19818] RVA [size] of Export Directory 
      4B000 [  A0] RVA [size] of Import Directory 
      66000 [  1B4] RVA [size] of Resource Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Exception Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory 
      67000 [ 1EC0] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory 
      2D620 [  1C] RVA [size] of Debug Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Global Pointer Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory 
      4E68C [ 35EC] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of COM Descriptor Directory 
       0 [  0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory 

.textbss name 
    10000 virtual size 
    1000 virtual address (10001000 to 10010FFF) 
     0 size of raw data 
     0 file pointer to raw data 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
E00000A0 flags 
     Uninitialized Data 
     Execute Read Write 

    .text name 
    1BE65 virtual size 
    11000 virtual address (10011000 to 1002CE64) 
    1C000 size of raw data 
    400 file pointer to raw data (00000400 to 0001C3FF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
60000020 flags 
     Execute Read 

    .rdata name 
    1CB88 virtual size 
    2D000 virtual address (1002D000 to 10049B87) 
    1CC00 size of raw data 
    1C400 file pointer to raw data (0001C400 to 00038FFF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
40000040 flags 
     Initialized Data 
     Read Only 

    Debug Directories 

     Time Type  Size  RVA Pointer 
    -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- 
    512E72CE cv   7F 0002EA90 1DE90 Format: RSDS, {CC4D0BC3-853A-4 
E8D-97A2-304A29035F04}, 4, C:\...... 

    .data name 
    7AC virtual size 
    4A000 virtual address (1004A000 to 1004A7AB) 
    400 size of raw data 
    39000 file pointer to raw data (00039000 to 000393FF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
C0000040 flags 
     Initialized Data 
     Read Write 

    .idata name 
    1A611 virtual size 
    4B000 virtual address (1004B000 to 10065610) 
    1A800 size of raw data 
    39400 file pointer to raw data (00039400 to 00053BFF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
C0000040 flags 
     Initialized Data 
     Read Write 

    .rsrc name 
    1B4 virtual size 
    66000 virtual address (10066000 to 100661B3) 
    200 size of raw data 
    53C00 file pointer to raw data (00053C00 to 00053DFF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
40000040 flags 
     Initialized Data 
     Read Only 

    .reloc name 
    2593 virtual size 
    67000 virtual address (10067000 to 10069592) 
    2600 size of raw data 
    53E00 file pointer to raw data (00053E00 to 000563FF) 
     0 file pointer to relocation table 
     0 file pointer to line numbers 
     0 number of relocations 
     0 number of line numbers 
42000040 flags 
     Initialized Data 
     Read Only 


     1000 .data 
     1B000 .idata 
     1D000 .rdata 
     3000 .reloc 
     1000 .rsrc 
     1C000 .text 
     10000 .textbss 

相应的命令是dumpbin.exe/headers。我们看不到它看起来像什么,但总是有很好的机会尝试在64位进程中使用32位DLL。或者相反。 – 2013-02-27 20:52:43


非常感谢,我编辑它来保存整个dumpbin。我实际上已经尝试制作x64的.lib,但它给编译带来了错误。另一方面,dll是x64 ...所以这可能是问题,我会尝试x86的 – user2117056 2013-02-27 21:03:23


如果其他人有类似的问题:我连接.exp文件以及.lib文件;只有链接.lib文件并将.dll文件放入目录才能解决问题。 – user2117056 2013-02-27 21:17:07

