#1066 - 非唯一表/别名:'考试'


我想在一个SQL语句中获取考试日期,测试和测试名称的值。我能够分两个阶段完成,但不能完成一个阶段。当我尝试合并它时,我会在标题中发现错误。#1066 - 非唯一表/别名:'考试'


select date, value, tname from examination, testresults, testname 
LEFT JOIN examtype ON examtype.etype_id = examination.etype_id 
LEFT JOIN examination ON examination.examination_id = testresults.examination_id 
LEFT JOIN testname ON testname.tname_id = testresults.tname_id 
where examination.patientnhs_no= '1001001002' 
    and date > '2008/09/05' 
    and examtype.name like 'blood%' 
    and testname.name like'tsh%' 
order by date asc 
limit 1 

内部连接与'考试'并再次'连接'与'考试'?不知道如何在多次加入同一个表格时需要提供唯一的别名。 'date,value和tname'来自哪个表? – 2014-11-21 19:50:25

您列出表检查两次,但你没有给它一个别名。 一旦进入FROM子句并且一旦进入LEFT JOIN。 您probally彪为

LEFT JOIN examination 

LEFT JOIN testresults 

与FROM后取出testresults和测试名称。 (见这link)。


select date, value, tname from examination 
       LEFT JOIN examtype ON examtype.etype_id = examination.etype_id 
       LEFT JOIN testresults ON examination.examination_id = testresults.examination_id 
       LEFT JOIN testname ON testname.tname_id = testresults.tname_id 
       where examination.patientnhs_no= '1001001002' and date > '2008/09/05' and examtype.name like 'blood%' and testname.name like'tsh%' order by date asc limit 1