

def perd(): 

    Personaldetails_file = open("Personaldetails_file.txt", "w") 
    Personaldetails_file = open("Personaldetails_file.txt", "a") 

    pd = input("Are you a new user?") 

    if pd == "yes": 
     print ("Add your details") 
    age = int(input("how old are you?")) 
    DOB = input("Date of birth:") 
    gender = input("Gender:") 
    weight = int(input("weight in kg:")) 
    height = int(input("height in cm:")) 

    Personaldetails = (age, DOB, gender, weight, height) 



def td(): 

    choice = input("which trainning event would you like to access?\n1.swimming\n2.cycling\n3.running\nplease type in the number before the event of which you want to choose\n") 
    if choice == "1": 
     Swimming_file= open("Swimming_file.txt", "w") 

     totaldistance = input("what was the total distance you swam in meters?") 
     totaltime = input("how long did you swim for in minutes?") 
     speed = totaldistance/totaltime 
     print ("on average you where running at a speed of", speed, "mps\nyou can look at the tables to see how many calouries you have burnt") 

     total = (totaldistance, totaltime, speed) 

    elif choice == "3": 
     Running_file= open("Running_file.txt", "w") 

     totaldistanceR = int(input("what was the total distance you ran in KM?")) 
     totaltimeR = int(input("how long did you run for in minutes?")) 
     totaltimeR1 = 60/totaltimeR 
     speedR1 = totaldistanceR/totaltimeR1 
     calburn = (speedR1 * 95)/(60/totaltimeR1) 

     print ("\nThe records have been saved") 
     print ("\non average you where running at a speed of", speedR1, "KMph\nyou burnt",calburn," calouries\n") 

     totalR = (totaldistanceR, totaltimeR, speedR1, calburn) 
    elif choice == "2": 
     Cycling_file= open("Cycling_file.txt", "w") 
     with open("Personaldetails_file.txt", "r") as f: 
     content = [x.strip('\n') for x in f.readlines()] 
     lines = f.readlines() 
     for line in lines: 
      words = line.split(",") 
      age = (line.split)(0) 
      weight = (line.split)(3) 
      height = (line.split)(4) 
     totaldistancec = int(input("what was the total distance you cycled in KM?")) 
     totaltimec = int(input("how long did you cycle for in minutes?")) 
     calburn1 = (13.75 * weight) + (5 * height) - (6.67 * age)     
     speedc = totaldistancec/totaltimec 
     print ("on average you where running at a speed of", speedc, "KMph\nyou burnt", calburn1, " calouries") 

     totalc = (totaldistancec, totaltimec, speedc) 

当我解开程序时出现错误。 线84,在TD calburn1 =(13.75 *重)+(5×高度) - (6.67 *年龄) UnboundLocalError:分配 之前引用局部变量 '重量' 没有人知道我该如何解决这个问题? 这是有关通过“#”包围了问题的代码未绑定本地错误,我不知道如何修复


在Python中,缩进是语法的一部分。请正确缩进您的代码。 – 2014-11-25 07:12:05


你如何调用你的函数td或perd? – 2014-11-25 07:13:20


如果你想'weight'变量与你初始设置为'int(input(“weight in kg:”))''相同,你需要把'global weight'作为函数体的第一行。否则python不知道你想要一个全局变量。 – Alec 2014-11-25 07:14:38


def perd(): 

    gender = input("Gender:") 
    weight = int(input("weight in kg:")) 
    height = int(input("height in cm:")) 



def tr(): 
    calburn1 = (13.75 * weight) + (5 * height) - (6.67 * age) 

这是一个单独的函数不知道perd()函数中的变量,为什么要这样呢?它不需要它们中的任何一个来作为功能进行操作,以隔离代码段并且能够被自己使用。换句话说,一旦perd()运行,其局部变量超出范围。看看这个问题,Short Description of the Scoping Rules?。要解决这个问题,你需要在perd()全球范围内输入,不可取,因为它不是pythonic。或者,您可以将值作为函数参数如下所示:

td(weight, height, age): 
    #code here 
