

我想一起使用react-redux和react-geolocated。 展位使用'命名'出口出口默认乘'连接'与react-redux


const mapStateToProps = (state) => { 
    return { 
     json: state.json 

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => { 
    return { 
     someLocalMethod:() => dispatch(someRemoteMethod()), 

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Home) 


export default geolocated({ 
    positionOptions: { 
    enableHighAccuracy: false, 
    userDecisionTimeout: 5000 



//file with geolocated stuff ------------------ 
export default geolocated({ 
    positionOptions: { 
    enableHighAccuracy: false, 
    userDecisionTimeout: 5000 

//file with react-redux connect stuff -------------- 
import geoHome from '/pathToGeolocatedHome'; 
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(geoHome) 

看来你的解决方案正常工作。给我一点时间来测试它;) – zappee


只是一个头(如果你以前没有见过这个):),这种模式在使用反应时很常见,如果你还没有听说过它,称为高阶组件(HOC)它基本上只是将调用链接在一起,以改善您的基本组件以向其添加更多功能。看看facebooks [HOC](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/higher-order-components.html)指南。 –


HOC格局非常优雅。感谢你们。 – zappee

import connect from 'react-redux-connect'; 
import { actionOne, actionTwo } from './actions'; 
export class MySmartComponent { 
    static mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { 
     // if you need to map some data from store 
     return { 
      // some data from state here 
static mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) { 
     // if you need to dispatch some actions 
     return { 
static mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) { 
     // if you want to merge props manually 
     return { 
      // ... 
static connectOptions = { 
     // if you want to merge props manually 
     return { 
      // ... 
static connectOptions = { 
     // if you want to merge props manually 
     return { 
      // ... 
static connectOptions = { 
     // if you need to tweek some connect options 
     // e.g. pure: false 
render() { 
     // return something... 
// and just pass your component to `connect` function 
// all settings will be taken from static props 
export default connect(MySmartComponent);