

当我运行这个,如果我键入聊天它从上面的笑话运行punchline如何解决这个问题? enter image description herePython的笑话或聊天错误

print ("whats your name?") 
firstname = input() 
print ("hello,", firstname) 
print ("what's your surname?") 
surname = input() 

fullname = (firstname +" "+ surname) 
print ("hello,", fullname) 

print ("what shall i call you on a daily basis?") 
name = input() 
print ("Glad to meet you,", name) 

print ("is there anything you would like to do?") 
print (" you can 'hear a joke' or 'have a chat'") 

question = input("joke or chat?") 
if question == "joke": 
print("what do you call a deer with no heart?") 
idk = input() 
print ("Dead!!! LOL!!!!") 

if question == "chat": 
print("what games do you like?") 
game = input() 
print ("NO way i love,", game) 

看起来它正在做它应该做的事情,但我很惊讶它甚至会在缩进时运行。由于python没有大括号,正确缩进块。 – Li357


哪个版本的python? –


if question == "joke": 
print("what do you call a deer with no heart?") 
idk = input() 
print ("Dead!!! LOL!!!!") 


if question == "joke": 
print("what do you call a deer with no heart?") 
idk = input() 
print ("Dead!!! LOL!!!!") 


if question == "joke": 
    print("what do you call a deer with no heart?") 
    idk = input() 
    print ("Dead!!! LOL!!!!") 

Python建议使用4个空格作为缩进。 –


idk = input() 
print ("Dead!!! LOL!!!!") 
