Netbeans CVS客户端的命令


我想使用Netbeans的CVS-client.jar来查找特定项目的用户。Netbeans CVS客户端的命令

我试图用 'CVS历史' 命令,得到历史:

  1. 从-m 模块
  2. 则-x
  3. 通过-a (所有用户)
  4. On -D date


cvs history -a -x AMR -m DemoModule -D 06/07/2011 


cvs [server aborted]: Only one report type allowed from: "-Tcomxe"


 cvs history -x AMR -a -n DemoModule -D 06/07/2011 


Usage: {cvs} history [-report] [-flags] [-options args] [files...]

Several options (shown above as '-report') control what kind of report is generated: 

    Report on each time commit was used (i.e., each time the repository was modified). 

    Everything (all record types). Equivalent to specifying `-x' with all record types. 
    Of course, `-e' will also include record types which are added in a future version of 
    CVS; if you are writing a script which can only handle certain record types, you'll 
    want to specify `-x'. 

-m module 
    Report on a particular module. (You can meaningfully use `-m' more than once on the command line.) 

    Report on checked-out modules. 

    Report on all tags. 

-x type 
    Extract a particular set of record types type from the CVS history. 
    The types are indicated by single letters, which you may specify in combination. 

     Certain commands have a single record type: 

     F release 
     O checkout 
     E export 
     T rtag 

     One of four record types may result from an update: 

     C A merge was necessary but collisions were detected (requiring manual merging). 
     G A merge was necessary and it succeeded. 
     U A working file was copied from the repository. 
     W The working copy of a file was deleted during update (because it was gone from the repository). 

     One of three record types results from commit: 

     A A file was added for the first time. 
     M A file was modified. 
     R A file was removed. 

问题在于,我所看到的所有手册中没有很好阐述的是,您只能有一个报告类型。即上述主要选项(c,e,m,o,T,x)中的一个,其(可能太)明确地由错误Only one report type allowed from: "-Tcomxe"表示。

P.S下面已被证明是有用的资源,CVS CLI/CVS历史: