

我使用iTextSharp 5.5.10来生成签名的PDF。特别是,我需要LTV签名。 LTV可以通过CRL和OCSP请求完成。如何缓存iTextSharp(LTV签名)的OCSP响应?


IOcspClient ocspClient = new OcspClientBouncyCastle(); 
ICrlClient crlClient = new CrlClientOnline(myCert.Chain); 
List<ICrlClient> lstCrlClients = new List<ICrlClient> { crlClient }; 

MakeSignature.SignDetached(sap, signature, this.myCert.Chain, lstCrlClients, ocspClient, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CMS); 



private List<ICrlClient> GetCachedListCrlClient() 
    var key = "LstCrlClient"; 

    List<ICrlClient> lstCrlClients = MyGlobalCachingProvider.GetItem<List<ICrlClient>>(key); 
    if (lstCrlClients == null) 
     lstCrlClients = new List<ICrlClient>(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < myCert.Chain.Length; i++) 
      String crlUrl = CertificateUtil.GetCRLURL(myCert.Chain[i]); 
      if (crlUrl != null) 
       byte[] crlDownloaded = new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(crlUrl); 
       ICrlClient crlClient = new CrlClientOffline(crlDownloaded); 
     MyGlobalCachingProvider.AddItem(key, lstCrlClients, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2)); 

    return lstCrlClients; 



OCSP响应通常只有很短的时间去生活。因此,通常缓存它们是不值得的。如果您在短时间内签署非常多的PDF,您可能需要实施类似于“CrlClientOffline”的“OcspClientOffline”。看看代码,这是微不足道的。 – mkl


谢谢。你的解决方案是好的。然而,OCSP的回应并不总是短暂的:几分钟到几天。就我而言,这是10天!所以我认为iText应该为我们提供这个问题的标准解决方案... – AEC


10天OCSP响应?哇!好吧,在这种情况下,我确实知道你想要缓存。我只习惯不超过几分钟的生活时间。 – mkl



// Once instanciated, this class fires one and only one OCSP request : it keeps the first result in memory. 
// You may want to cache this object ; ie with MemoryCache. 
public class MyOcspClientBouncyCastleSingleRequest : IOcspClient 
    private static readonly ILogger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(typeof(OcspClientBouncyCastle)); 

    private readonly OcspVerifier verifier; 

    // The request-result 
    private Dictionary<String, BasicOcspResp> _cachedOcspResponse = new Dictionary<string, BasicOcspResp>(); 

    * Create default implemention of {@code OcspClient}. 
    * Note, if you use this constructor, OCSP response will not be verified. 
    public MyOcspClientBouncyCastleSingleRequest() 
     verifier = null; 

    * Create {@code OcspClient} 
    * @param verifier will be used for response verification. {@see OCSPVerifier}. 
    public MyOcspClientBouncyCastleSingleRequest(OcspVerifier verifier) 
     this.verifier = verifier; 

    * Gets OCSP response. If {@see OCSPVerifier} was set, the response will be checked. 
    public virtual BasicOcspResp GetBasicOCSPResp(X509Certificate checkCert, X509Certificate rootCert, String url) 
     String dicKey = checkCert.SubjectDN.ToString() + "-" + rootCert.SubjectDN.ToString() + "-" + url; 
     if (_cachedOcspResponse != null && _cachedOcspResponse.Count > 0 && _cachedOcspResponse.ContainsKey(dicKey)) 
      BasicOcspResp cachedResult = _cachedOcspResponse[dicKey]; 
      return cachedResult; 
       OcspResp ocspResponse = GetOcspResponse(checkCert, rootCert, url); 
       if (ocspResponse == null) 
        _cachedOcspResponse.Add(dicKey, null); 
        return null; 
       if (ocspResponse.Status != OcspRespStatus.Successful) 
        _cachedOcspResponse.Add(dicKey, null); 
        return null; 
       BasicOcspResp basicResponse = (BasicOcspResp)ocspResponse.GetResponseObject(); 
       if (verifier != null) 
        verifier.IsValidResponse(basicResponse, rootCert); 
       _cachedOcspResponse.Add(dicKey, basicResponse); 
       return basicResponse; 
      catch (Exception ex) 
       if (LOGGER.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) 
      return null; 

    * Gets an encoded byte array with OCSP validation. The method should not throw an exception. 
    * @param checkCert to certificate to check 
    * @param rootCert the parent certificate 
    * @param url  to get the verification. It it's null it will be taken 
    *     from the check cert or from other implementation specific source 
    * @return a byte array with the validation or null if the validation could not be obtained 
    public byte[] GetEncoded(X509Certificate checkCert, X509Certificate rootCert, String url) 
      BasicOcspResp basicResponse = GetBasicOCSPResp(checkCert, rootCert, url); 
      if (basicResponse != null) 
       SingleResp[] responses = basicResponse.Responses; 
       if (responses.Length == 1) 
        SingleResp resp = responses[0]; 
        Object status = resp.GetCertStatus(); 
        if (status == CertificateStatus.Good) 
         return basicResponse.GetEncoded(); 
        else if (status is RevokedStatus) 
         throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("ocsp.status.is.revoked")); 
         throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("ocsp.status.is.unknown")); 
     catch (Exception ex) 
      if (LOGGER.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) 
     return null; 

    * Generates an OCSP request using BouncyCastle. 
    * @param issuerCert certificate of the issues 
    * @param serialNumber serial number 
    * @return an OCSP request 
    * @throws OCSPException 
    * @throws IOException 
    private static OcspReq GenerateOCSPRequest(X509Certificate issuerCert, BigInteger serialNumber) 
     // Generate the id for the certificate we are looking for 
     CertificateID id = new CertificateID(CertificateID.HashSha1, issuerCert, serialNumber); 

     // basic request generation with nonce 
     OcspReqGenerator gen = new OcspReqGenerator(); 

     // create details for nonce extension 
     IDictionary extensions = new Hashtable(); 

     extensions[OcspObjectIdentifiers.PkixOcspNonce] = new X509Extension(false, new DerOctetString(new DerOctetString(PdfEncryption.CreateDocumentId()).GetEncoded())); 

     gen.SetRequestExtensions(new X509Extensions(extensions)); 
     return gen.Generate(); 

    private OcspResp GetOcspResponse(X509Certificate checkCert, X509Certificate rootCert, String url) 
     if (checkCert == null || rootCert == null) 
      return null; 
     if (url == null) 
      url = CertificateUtil.GetOCSPURL(checkCert); 
     if (url == null) 
      return null; 
     LOGGER.Info("Getting OCSP from " + url); 
     OcspReq request = GenerateOCSPRequest(rootCert, checkCert.SerialNumber); 
     byte[] array = request.GetEncoded(); 

     HttpWebRequest con = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); 
     con.ContentLength = array.Length; 
     con.ContentType = "application/ocsp-request"; 
     con.Accept = "application/ocsp-response"; 
     con.Method = "POST"; 
     Stream outp = con.GetRequestStream(); 
     outp.Write(array, 0, array.Length); 
     HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)con.GetResponse(); 
     if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) 
      throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("invalid.http.response.1", (int)response.StatusCode)); 
     Stream inp = response.GetResponseStream(); 
     OcspResp ocspResponse = new OcspResp(inp); 
     return ocspResponse; 