


试图使这个运行时,我有一些问题: http://jsfiddle.net/KurtWM/pQnPg/


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init"> 
    $(document).ready(function() { 




<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="media/js/jquery.numericScale.js"></script> 




我会很乐意帮助你,但究竟是什么问题,或者你有什么错误? – pattyd 2014-10-08 01:02:35


<!DOCTYPE html> 
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    list-style-position: inside; 

ol.survey > li:last-child 
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CDCDCD; 

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    padding-left: -20px; 
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.scores > div 
    background: #E8E8E4; 

.scores div.alt, .scores > div:nth-child(even) 
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ol.survey li .opinion-question 
    margin-bottom: 0.5em; 
    font-weight: bold; 

ol.survey li 
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    padding-bottom: 1px; 
    padding-left: 12px; 

ol.survey li .opinion-responses 
    display: table; 
    width: 100%; 
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ol.survey li .opinion-responses .bipolar-adjective 
    display: table-cell; 
    width: 25%; 
    text-align: center; 
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    font-style: italic; 

ol.survey li .opinion-responses .response-choice 
    display: table-cell; 
    width: 10px; 
    text-align: center; 
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ol.survey li .opinion-responses .response-choice input[type=radio], ol.survey li .opinion-responses .response-choice input.radio 

    width: 100%; 
    height: 400px; 
    position: relative; 

.scores .discipline 
    display: block; 
    position: absolute; 
    bottom: 0; 
    text-align: center; 
    background: #E8E8E4 url(../images/gifts_orange.png) no-repeat 0 0; 
    border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; 

.scores .discipline .discipline-name 
    text-align: center; 
    position: relative; 
    bottom: 24px; 
    z-index: 200; 
    font-family: "Futura Lt BT" , helvetica, sans-serif; 

.scores .discipline .discipline-total 
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    display: block; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    font-size: 150%; 
    font-family: "Futura Md BT" , helvetica, sans-serif; 
    margin-top: 0px; 

.scores .selected 
    background: #1047a9 url(../images/gifts_blue.png) no-repeat 0 0 !important; 

.scores .selected .discipline-total 
    color: #FFFFFF !important; 

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    -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); /* IE -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); */ /* Opera */ 
    -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); 

    <ol id="survey1" class="survey"> 
    <li class="question" title="Prophecy">When a situation needs to be corrected I feel a burden to speak up about it in order to correct it.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Shepherd">I feel a special concern for less mature Christians and feel compelled to care for them spiritually.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Teaching">I find it easy and enjoyable to spend time in intensive Bible study.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Encouraging">I am able to help others identify problems and offer solutions.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Giving">I don't understand why others don't give as much and as freely as I do.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Mercy">I am comfortable visiting people who are sick and disabled.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Evangelism">I have greater desire than most to witness to non-Christians.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Administration">If there is no leadership in a group I will step up and take charge.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Serving">I enjoy being called upon to do special jobs around the church.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Prophecy">When issues are being dealt with in a group, I speak up rather than just listening.</li> 
    <li class="question" title="Shepherd">I find myself especially concerned that newer Christians will be influenced by false teachers and be harmed in their spiritual growth as a result. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Teaching">Others sometimes accuse me of being too technical or detail-oriented. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Encouraging">I would rather talk personally with someone rather than refer them elsewhere. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Giving">I find myself looking for opportunities to give my money without being asked to give. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Mercy">I have a tendency to think about things for a while before making a decision. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Evangelism">Witnessing to non-Christians comes easily to me. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Administration">I enjoy handling the details of organizing ideas, people, resources, and time in order to have more effective ministry. </li> 
    <li class="question" title="Serving">I feel that I am not specifically skilled, but I enjoy doing what needs to be done around the church. </li> 

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 


    (function($) { 
     numericScale: function(options) { 
      var defaults = { 
       responseRange:  5, 
       topNumber:   3, 
       lowOpinionAnswer: 'Lowest', 
       highOpinionAnswer: 'Highest' 

      var scores = [];  // Array to hold scores 
      var key;    // HTML5 localStorage key 
      var disciplines = []; // Array to hold disciplines 
      var aHighVals = [];  // Array to hold n highest scores 

      var options = $.extend(defaults, options); 

      // Act on every target list of the plugin. 
      return this.each(function() { 
       var $list = $(this); 
       key = $list.attr('id') + "_key"; 

       // Replace list items with survey controls. 
       $($list).children().each(function(index) { 
        createQuestion($list, $(this), index); 

       // Create HTML for survey & scores containers and button 
       $list.wrap('<div id="wrap-' + $list.attr('id') + 
          '" class="survey-wrapper"></div>'); 
       $list.after('<div id="scores-' + $list.attr('id') + 
          '" class="scores"></div>'); 
       $list.after('<input type="button" id="submitBtn"' + 
          ' class="button btnStyle" value="Show My Gifts"' + 
          ' disabled="disabled" />'); 

       // Hide scores initially 
       $('#scores-' + $list.attr('id')).hide(); 



       // ==================== 
       // Handler: 
       // ==================== 
       $('input[type="radio"]').change(function(e) { 
        // Get the discipline of the question 
        var discipline = $(e.target).closest('li[class~="question"]').attr('data-discipline'); 
        var qNum = $(e.target).attr('name').substr(1) - 1; 

        // Replace the question's object property 'value' in the Scores array with the new selection 
        scores[qNum].value = $(e.target).val(); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function storeScores() { 
        var jsonScores = JSON.stringify(scores); 
        localStorage.setItem(key, jsonScores); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function setSubmitBtnState() { 
        if (getFormFinished()) { 
        else { 
         $('#submitBtn').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function getFormFinished() { 
        //var boolFinished = true; 
        for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { 
         if (scores[i].value == 0) { 
          //boolFinished = false; 
          return false; 
         //return boolFinished; 
         return true; 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function createQuestion(oList, oItem, index) { 
        // Add the 'title' of the list item 
        var title = oItem.attr('title'); 
        var qName = "q" + (index + 1); 

        // Create score items in scores Array. 
        createScore(oItem, title, qName); 

        var question = "<div class='opinion-question'>" + 
         oItem.text() + "</div>" + 
         "<div class='opinion-responses'>" + 
         "<span class='bipolar-adjective'>" + 
         defaults.lowOpinionAnswer + "</span>"; 
        // Create a radio button group for each question. 
        for (var i = 1; i <= defaults.responseRange; ++i) { 
         question += "<span class='response-choice'>" + 
          "<input type='radio' name='" + qName + 
          "' value='" + i + "' class='radio'"; 
         // Create a LocalStorage item for each question. 
         //check if discipline's localstorage is set. 
         if (localStorage.getItem(oList.attr('id') + "_" + qName)) { 
          if (localStorage.getItem(oList.attr('id') + "_" + qName) == i) { 
           question += " checked='checked'"; 

         // Add required attribute to first radio button in group to allow validation with the jquery.validate.js plugin. 
         if (i == 1) { 
          question += " validate='required:true'"; 

         question += " />" + i + "</span>"; 
        question += "<span class='bipolar-adjective'>" + defaults.highOpinionAnswer + "</span>" + "</div>"; 
        oItem.empty().prepend(question).attr('data-discipline', oItem.attr('title')).removeAttr('title'); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function createScore(oItem, d, qName) { 
        var score = {}; 
        score.question = qName; 
        score.value = oItem.val(); 
        score.discipline = d; 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function addScoreToPage(score) { 
        if (replace(scores, score.question, score.value)) { 
         var scoreUl = document.getElementById('scores-' + $list.attr('id') + '-ul'); 
         var li = document.createElement('li'); 
         li.innerHTML = score.question + '; ' + score.value + '; ' + score.discipline; 
         if (scoreUl.childElementCount > 0) { 
          scoreUl.insertBefore(li, scoreUl.firstChild); 
         } else { 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function replace(arrayName, replaceTo, replaceWith) { 
        for (var i = 0; i < arrayName.length; i++) { 
         if (arrayName[i].question == replaceTo) { 
          arrayName.splice(i, 1, replaceWith); 
          return true; 
         } else { 
          return false; 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function getHighestScores(oItems, num) { 
        for (var key in oItems) { 
         var obj = oItems[key]; 
         for (var prop in obj) { 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function surveySetup() { 
        var submitButton = document.getElementById("submitBtn"); 
        submitButton.onclick = submitSurvey; 
        if (!window.localStorage) { 
         alert("The Web Storage API is not supported in your browser. You may still submit the form, but your answers will not be saved to your browser.") 
        } else { 

       // ==================== 
       // Handler: 
       // ==================== 
       $("#submitBtn").click(function() { 
        if (!window.localStorage) { 
         alert("The Web Storage API is not supported in your browser. You may still submit the form, but your answers will not be saved to your browser.") 
        } else { 
         $('html, body').animate({ 
          scrollTop: $("html, body").offset().top 
         }, 1000); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function submitSurvey() { 
        // Create visual elements for scores. 
        var surveyId = 'div#scores-' + $list.attr('id'); 
        var dNumber = 0; 
        var dWidth; 
        var maxHeight = 350; 
        var tallBarHeight = 0; 
        for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { 
         if ($('div#' + scores[i].discipline).length == 0) { 
          var dScore = tallyDiscipline(scores[i].discipline); 

          var discipline = {}; 
          discipline.name = scores[i].discipline; 
          discipline.value = dScore; 


          $(surveyId).append("<div id='" + scores[i].discipline + "' class='discipline'><div class='discipline-name'>" + scores[i].discipline + "</div><div class='discipline-total'>" + dScore + "</div>" + "</div>"); 
          if (dScore > tallBarHeight) { 
           tallBarHeight = dScore; 



        dWidth = 100/dNumber 
        for (var ii = 0; ii < dNumber; ii++) { 
         $('.scores .discipline').eq(ii).css({ 
          'left': Math.floor(dWidth) * ii + '%' 
         $('.scores .discipline').eq(ii).css({ 
          'width': (Math.floor(dWidth) - 1) + '%' 
         barHeight = Math.floor((disciplines[ii].value/tallBarHeight) * maxHeight) 
         $('.scores .discipline').eq(ii).animate({ 
          height: barHeight 
         }, 2000); 
         $('.scores .discipline'); //.addClass('box'); 




       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function getHighestValues() { 
        for (var i = 0; i < disciplines.length; i++) { 
         aHighVals[i] = [disciplines[i].value, disciplines[i].name]; 
        aHighVals.splice(defaults.topNumber, aHighVals.length - defaults.topNumber); 

        for (var ii = 0; ii < aHighVals.length; ii++) { 
         $('#' + aHighVals[ii][1]).addClass('selected'); 
         $('input[id*="hdnSelectedVals"]').val($('input[id*="hdnSelectedVals"]').val() + aHighVals[ii][1]); 
         if (aHighVals.length - 1 > ii) { 
          $('input[id*="hdnSelectedVals"]').val($('input[id*="hdnSelectedVals"]').val() + ", "); 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function mySorting(a, b) { 
        a = a[0]; 
        b = b[0]; 
        return b == a ? 0 : (b < a ? -1 : 1) 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function tallyDiscipline(discipline) { 
        var total = 0; 
        for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { 
         if (scores[i].discipline == discipline) { 
          total += parseInt(scores[i].value); 
        return total; 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function loadScores() { 
        var jsonScores = localStorage.getItem(key); 
        if (jsonScores != null) { 
         scores = JSON.parse(jsonScores); 
         for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { 

       // ==================== 
       // Function: 
       // ==================== 

       function addScoresToPage(score) { 
        $('input:radio[name=' + score.question + '][value=' + score.value + ']').attr('checked', 'checked'); 


var disciplines = $('#survey1').numericScale({ 
    'responseRange' : 5, 
    'lowOpinionAnswer' : 'Least like me', 
    'highOpinionAnswer' : 'Most like me' 






尽管这个链接可能回答这个问题,但最好在这里包含答案的重要部分,并提供供参考的链接。如果链接页面更改,则仅链接答案可能会失效。 – chopper 2014-10-08 01:46:17


我改变了它,谢谢你提到它。 – 2014-10-08 02:01:13


谢谢你这工作。 :) – 2014-10-08 04:01:56


var disciplines = $('#survey1').numericScale({ 
'responseRange' : 5, 
'lowOpinionAnswer' : 'Least like me', 
'highOpinionAnswer' : 'Most like me' 



'responseRange' : 5, 
'lowOpinionAnswer' : 'Least like me', 
'highOpinionAnswer' : 'Most like me' 

感谢您的回答,这也做了 – 2014-10-08 04:02:23


您的欢迎。总是最好保持简单!你应该接受一个答案。 ;-) – Macsupport 2014-10-08 05:50:37