

db = sqlite.connect("test.sqlite") 
res = db.execute("select * from table") 


for row in res: 
    print row 


col_name_list = [tuple[0] for tuple in res.description] 


{'col1': 'value', 'col2': 'value'} 



的可能重复[Python的 - MySQLdb的,SQLite的结果作为字典(HTTP:// *.com/questions/4147707/python-mysqldb-sqlite-result-as-dictionary) – vy32 2015-08-22 22:50:09


@ vy32:这个问题是从2010年7月,你链接到2010年11月。所以,这是一个愚蠢的。正如人们所期望的那样,反向评论已经被提上了那个:-) – aneroid 2016-06-07 20:49:16


import sqlite3 

def dict_factory(cursor, row): 
    d = {} 
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): 
     d[col[0]] = row[idx] 
    return d 

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") 
con.row_factory = dict_factory 
cur = con.cursor() 
cur.execute("select 1 as a") 
print cur.fetchone()["a"] 


如果返回一个元组没有按” t足够 并且您希望基于名称访问 列,则应考虑将row_factory设置为 sqlite3.Row类型。行同时提供 基于索引和不区分大小写的 基于名称的访问列与 几乎没有内存开销。它可能会比你自己的 基于自定义字典的方法或 更好,即使是基于db_row的解决方案。


只需引用文档,'con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row' – 2010-12-30 01:19:30


如果列名中包含特殊字符例如'SELECT 1 AS'dog [cat]“'那么'cursor'将不会有正确的描述来创建一个字典。 – Crazometer 2016-06-16 06:23:49


我已经设置了'connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row',我尝试了'connection.row_factory = dict_factory'如图所示,但'cur.fetchall()'仍然给我一个元组列表 - 任何想法为什么这不起作用? – displayname 2016-12-07 10:51:45

PEP 249


    How can I construct a dictionary out of the tuples returned by 


    There are several existing tools available which provide 
    helpers for this task. Most of them use the approach of using 
    the column names defined in the cursor attribute .description 
    as basis for the keys in the row dictionary. 

    Note that the reason for not extending the DB API specification 
    to also support dictionary return values for the .fetch*() 
    methods is that this approach has several drawbacks: 

    * Some databases don't support case-sensitive column names or 
    auto-convert them to all lowercase or all uppercase 

    * Columns in the result set which are generated by the query 
    (e.g. using SQL functions) don't map to table column names 
    and databases usually generate names for these columns in a 
    very database specific way. 

    As a result, accessing the columns through dictionary keys 
    varies between databases and makes writing portable code 



>在数据库之间有所不同 - 比如说,sqlite 3.7和3.8? – Nucular 2014-03-07 17:23:18


@ user1123466:...像SQLite,MySQL,Postgres,Oracle,MS SQL Server,Firebird ... – 2014-03-07 17:52:41

即使使用sqlite3.Row分类 - 你仍然无法使用字符串形式格式化:

print "%(id)i - %(name)s: %(value)s" % row 


def dict_from_row(row): 
    return dict(zip(row.keys(), row))  

sqlite3.Row实现了映射协议。你可以做'print'%(id)i - %(name)s:%(value)s“%dict(row)' – Mzzzzzz 2015-06-11 14:07:28


def from_sqlite_Row_to_dict(list_with_rows): 
    ''' Turn a list with sqlite3.Row objects into a dictionary''' 
    d ={} # the dictionary to be filled with the row data and to be returned 

    for i, row in enumerate(list_with_rows): # iterate throw the sqlite3.Row objects    
     l = [] # for each Row use a separate list 
     for col in range(0, len(row)): # copy over the row date (ie. column data) to a list 
     d[i] = l # add the list to the dictionary 
    return d 


def select_column_and_value(db, sql, parameters=()): 
    execute = db.execute(sql, parameters) 
    fetch = execute.fetchone() 
    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))} 

con = sqlite3.connect('/mydatabase.db') 
c = con.cursor() 
print(select_column_and_value(c, 'SELECT * FROM things WHERE id=?', (id,))) 


def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()): 
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters) 
    fetch = execute.fetchone() 

    if fetch is None: 
     return {k[0]: None for k in execute.description} 

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))} 

def select_column_and_value(self, sql, parameters=()): 
    execute = self.execute(sql, parameters) 
    fetch = execute.fetchone() 

    if fetch is None: 
     return {} 

    return {k[0]: v for k, v in list(zip(execute.description, fetch))} 


conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") 
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row#This is the important part, here we are setting row_factory property of connection object to sqlite3.Row(sqlite3.Row is an implementation of row_factory) 
c = conn.cursor() 
c.execute('select * from stocks') 
result = c.fetchall()#returns a list of dictionaries, each item in list(each dictionary) represents a row of the table 


db.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)]) 

这对我很好。谢谢! – 2017-12-19 20:22:52

import sqlite3 

db = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') 
cursor = db.execute('SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY CREATE_AT') 
studentList = cursor.fetchall() 

columnNames = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) #students table column names list 
studentsAssoc = {} #Assoc format is dictionary similarly 

for lineNumber, student in enumerate(studentList): 
    studentsAssoc[lineNumber] = {} 

    for columnNumber, value in enumerate(student): 
     studentsAssoc[lineNumber][columnNames[columnNumber]] = value 




conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict(zip([col[0] for col in c.description], r)) 
c = conn.cursor() 

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall() 
19.8 µs ± 1.05 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) 


conn.row_factory = lambda c, r: dict([(col[0], r[idx]) for idx, col in enumerate(c.description)]) 
c = conn.cursor() 

%timeit c.execute('SELECT * FROM table').fetchall() 
19.4 µs ± 75.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) 
