


Sub saving1() 
' Saves the file under a new name based on the new month date. 
    Dim NewFilename As String 
    Dim tempnm 
    Dim loc           ' variable for file location 
    loc = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path    'loads the file location on the loc variable 
    MsgBox loc 
    ' creates the file name for saving includes the current path. 
    NewFilename = loc + "\" + Range("NewFileName").Value & ".xlsm" 
    'tempmm = Application.GetSaveAsFilename initialfilename 

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs NewFilename, FileFormat:=52 
    'Application.DisplayAlert = False 
    'On Error Resume Next 'to omit error when cancel is pressed 
    ' MsgBox "Not saved" 

    'If Err.Number <> 1004 Then 'optional, to confirmed that is not saved 
    ' MsgBox "Not saved" 
    'End If 
    ' On Error GoTo 0   'to return standard error operation 

End Sub 

Sub saving() 
' Saves the file under a new name based on the new month date. 
    Dim NewFilename As String 
    Dim loc           ' variable for file location 
    loc = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path    'loads the file location on the loc variable 
    ' creates the file name for saving includes the current path. 
    NewFilename = loc + "\" + Range("NewFileName").Value & ".xlsm" 
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs NewFilename, FileFormat:=52 

End Sub 



NewFilename = loc + "\" + Range("NewFileName").Value & ".xlsm" 
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs NewFilename, FileFormat:=52 
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

好的,谢谢。它确实有效。我之前尝试过,但我想我有他们(Application.displayalerts)在错误的地方。它的工作原理并没有更多的错误。我认为最好是没有选择文件名的选项。 – stever