


236:24 500:163 732:234 869 117 885:106 1249:103 1280:158 1889:119 2015:55 2718:126 3307:137 3578:25 3770:26 4139:128 4723 :114 4957:82 5128:50 5420:124 5603:135 5897:34 5946:117 6069:154 6153:55 6347:87 6372:77 6666:109 6866:223 6984:39 7709:253 7950:87 8078:38 8945:141 9316:111 9948:103 9989:68 10276:43 10530:76 10532:55 10799:15 10802:20 10848:82 11347:16 11871:51 11883:105 12534:133 12601:13 12781:178 12798: 116 12842:106 12916:7 12935:51 12968:154 13028:58 13330:105 13384:2 13568:47 13641:632 13829:18 13964:62 14385:93 14392:272 15280:140 15424:119 15492:52 15523 :31 16311:23 16464:69 16478:94 16584:102 16586:107 16705:272 17138:108 17181:150 17526:280 17540:163 18007:114 18050:53 18180:2 18806:160 18943:73 19055:41 19255:88 19774:59 19889:72 19921:45 101:68 572:57 732:63 962:120 1304:61 1831:60 1889:58 1973:105 2518:161 2629:228 2990:158 3147:75 3578:11 3860:88 4011:18 4623:141 4684 :411 4758:69 4820:120 6149:102 6234:134 6306:118 6866:147 6927:89 6988:51 7048:178 7193:31 7257:61 7709:229 8061:125 8202:188 8272:17 8759 165 9104:77 9325 135 9860 97 10055:684 10532:180 10735:64 10744:267 10820:120 10848:186 10923:128 10936:129 11203:160 11303:144 11668:87 11867:97 11871:207 12191: 83 12238:193 12380:51 12968:164 13369:58 13929:39 14531:102 14800:130 14931 99 15314 91 15632 62 16165:7 16353:120 16584:137 17216:172 18372:31 18893:75 19133 :93 19154:101 19165:133 19607:20 19784:141 19889 97 19921:60


整个数据集是在一条线上吗?也许让我更困扰的是你计划使用哪种机器学习方法,它可以处理〜10K的特性。 –


你本质上有一个由':'分开的2列数据集 - 例如:'x thelatemail


input <- scan('input.txt', what = 'character') 

data <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input, ':'))), ncol = 2)) 
colnames(data) <- c('Feature', 'Value') 
# 'data.frame': 158 obs. of 2 variables: 
# $ Feature: num 236 24 500 163 732 234 869 117 885 106 ... 
# $ Value : num 18943 73 19055 41 19255 ... 


data <- read.table(text = input, sep = ':') 
colnames(data) <- c('Feature', 'Value') 
# 'data.frame': 158 obs. of 2 variables: 
# $ Feature: num 236 24 500 163 732 234 869 117 885 106 ... 
# $ Value : num 18943 73 19055 41 19255 ... 


url <- 'https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/dexter/DEXTER/dexter_test.data' 
input <- scan(url, what = 'character') 
data <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input, ':'))), ncol = 2)) 
colnames(data) <- c('Feature','Value') 
# 'data.frame': 192449 obs. of 2 variables: 
# $ Feature: num 236 24 500 163 732 234 869 117 885 106 ... 
# $ Value : num 79 10848 105 11018 76 ... 

我应该更具体。我正在使用链接中提供的德克斯特数据集:https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/dexter/DEXTER/。冒号前的数字表示该功能,冒号后的数字是与该功能相关的值。 – Janr


看我的编辑应该增加一些清晰度 –