

我对Dapper有点新,并且正试图找到一种干净的方式将过滤器参数传递给具有多个属性的集合的SQL Query。如何使用具有多个属性的集合过滤Dapper?


    Prop1: 'A Value 1', 
    Prop2: 'B Value 1' 
    Prop1: 'A Value 2', 
    Prop2: 'B Value 2' 


select * 
from SampleTable 
([ColumnA]='A Value 1' and [ColumnB]='B Value 1') 
or ([ColumnA]='A Value 2' and [ColumnB]='B Value 2') 


string query = @"select * 
       from SampleTable 
       where [ColumnA] in (@PropA_Value) 
       and [ColumnB] in (@PropB_Value)" 

con.Query<T>(query, new{PropA_Value = PropA,PropB_Value = PropB}).AsList(); 


public static class DapperHelper 
     private const string SingleTupleFormat = " [{0}] = '{1}' {2}"; 
     private const string AndString = "AND"; 
     private const string OrString = "OR"; 

     private static string ToSqlTuple(List<Dictionary<string, string>> filters) 
      string filterParam = string.Empty; 
      foreach (var filter in filters) 
       //Construct single tuple 
       string tuple = filter.ToList().Aggregate(string.Empty, 
       (current, pair) => current + String.Format(SingleTupleFormat, pair.Key, pair.Value, AndString)); 

       //Concatenate tuples by OR, string.Format to combine the different filters 
       filterParam += string.Format(" ({0}) {1}", tuple.TrimEnd(AndString), OrString); 
      return filterParam.TrimEnd(OrString); 

     public static string TrimEnd(this string source, string value) 
      if (!source.EndsWith(value)) 
       return source; 

      return source.Remove(source.LastIndexOf(value)); 


string query = @"select * 
       from SampleTable 
       where @where"; 

List<Dictionary<string, string>> filters = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>() { 
       new Dictionary<string, string>(){{"ColumnA", "A Value 1"},{"ColumnB", "A Value 2"}}, 
       new Dictionary<string, string>(){{"ColumnA", "B Value 1"},{"ColumnB", "B Value 2"}} 

var tuple = DapperHelper.ToSqlTuple(filters); 
query = query.Replace("@where", string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple) ? "1=1" : tuple); //Use 1=1 if tuple is empty or null 

var data = con.Query<T>(query).AsList(); 


select * 
from SampleTable 
where ([ColumnA] = 'A Value 1' AND [ColumnB] = 'A Value 2') 
    OR ([ColumnA] = 'B Value 1' AND [ColumnB] = 'B Value 2') 

谢谢,我觉得这真的很有帮助。虽然不是Dapper内置的解决方案,但这绝对是可重复使用的,也是一个不错的解决方案。我认为要解决这个问题的另一件事是检查SQL注入,因为我们没有使用传递参数的默认Dapper方法。 – m0g


是的,我的解决方案只是展示如何构建过滤器字符串,而不考虑SQL注入等其他功能。 – Yared


此链接可能也有帮助; https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions/wiki/Predicates 请参阅'多个复合谓词(谓词组)'部分 – Yared