自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Windows 10 finally brought back the Start menu, and it’s more customizable than ever. Here’s a quick rundown of all the different ways that you can make the Start menu your own.

Windows 10终于带回了“开始”菜单,并且它比以往任何时候都更具可定制性。 这是您可以使“开始”菜单成为自己的所有不同方式的简要介绍。

组织,编辑,删除或将新项目添加到应用程序列表 (Organize, Edit, Delete, or Add New Items to the Apps List)

You can easily get to the Start menu’s folder structure on the hard drive to edit, rearrange, or even add new items. This also gives you the benefit of being able to search for these new shortcuts that you create. And yes, you can do this by dragging items around individually on (or to) the Start menu, but rearranging via File Explorer is much quicker if you have a bunch of things you want to change.

您可以轻松地进入硬盘驱动器上“开始”菜单的文件夹结构 ,以进行编辑,重新排列甚至添加新项目。 这也使您能够搜索自己创建的这些新快捷方式。 是的,您可以通过在“开始”菜单上(或拖到“开始”菜单上)单独拖动项目来完成此操作,但是如果您要更改很多东西,则通过文件资源管理器进行重新排列要快得多。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

It’s worth noting that the Start menu folder won’t show Universal apps you have installed, so you’ll need to deal with those just using the menu itself. For the most part, you can uninstall any app—except for some built-in apps—by right-clicking them in the Start menu and choosing “Uninstall.”

值得注意的是,“开始”菜单文件夹不会显示您已安装的通用应用程序,因此您只需要使用菜单本身即可处理这些应用程序。 在大多数情况下,可以通过右键单击“开始”菜单中的“应用程序”并选择“卸载”来卸载任何应用程序(某些内置应用程序除外)。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

调整开始菜单的大小 (Resize the Start Menu)

You can quickly resize the Start menu by dragging the top or right edge of the menu with your mouse.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Resizing vertically works just as you’d expect. When you resize horizontally, you can increase the Start menu by one full column of icon groups at a time—up to four columns. Unfortunately, you can only narrow the menu down to one column.

垂直调整大小可以按照您的期望进行。 水平调整大小时,可以一次在“开始”菜单上增加一整列图标组的列,最多四列。 不幸的是,您只能将菜单缩小到一列。

You can also set Windows to show a few extra tiles in each column. Just head to Settings > Personalization > Start and turn on the “Show more tiles on Start” option.

您还可以将Windows设置为在每列中显示一些额外的图块。 只需转到“设置”>“个性化”>“开始”,然后打开“在开始时显示更多图块”选项即可。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

With the “Show more tiles on Start” option on, you can see that the tile column has expanded by the width of one medium-sized tile.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Note that if you do turn on the “Show more tiles” option, you can still resize the Start menu horizontally, but only up to three columns of icon groups instead of four.


固定和取消固定瓷砖 (Pin and Unpin Tiles)

You can easily pin and unpin tiles by right-clicking on each one and selecting “Unpin from Start.”


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

If there’s an app that isn’t pinned, but you want a tile for it, just browse through the list of apps on the left side of the Start menu. When you find what you’re looking for, right-click the app and choose “Pin to Start.”

如果有一个未固定的应用程序,但您需要一个图块,则只需浏览“开始”菜单左侧的应用程序列表即可。 找到所需的内容后,右键单击该应用程序,然后选择“固定到启动”。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

调整瓷砖 (Resize Tiles)

You can change the size of a tile by right-clicking it, pointing to “Resize,” and then picking the size you want.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Four small tiles fit into a medium tile. Four medium tiles fit into a large tile. And a wide tile is the size of two side-by-side medium tiles.

四个小砖块可放入一个中号砖块。 四个中等大小的瓷砖可放入一个大瓷砖中。 一个宽的磁贴等于两个并排的中等磁贴的大小。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Unfortunately, the tiling can be a little weird, so if you have an odd number of small tiles, you’ll end up with blank space.


关闭实时磁贴更新 (Turn Off Live Tile Updates)

If all those flashing tiles end up annoying you, just right-click on them, point to “More,” and then choose “Turn live tile off.”


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Compared to the example above, you can see that the News tile is back to being a regular tile button.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

For the most part, we find live tiles a little busy for our tastes, but they can be useful for tiles like Weather or Calendar where it’s nice to have some at-a-glance info.


将图块分组到文件夹中 (Group Tiles Into Folders)

You can also group tiles on the Start menu into folders. These folders work much like app folders on a smartphone. To create a new folder, drag any tile and drop it onto another tile. Those tiles will then be grouped into a folder. You can then add other tiles to the folder by dragging them on top of the folder.

您也可以将“开始”菜单上的图块分组到文件夹中。 这些文件夹的工作方式类似于智能手机上的应用程序文件夹。 要创建新文件夹,请将任何图块拖放到另一个图块上。 这些磁贴将被分组到一个文件夹中。 然后,可以通过将其他磁贴拖动到文件夹顶部来将其添加到该文件夹​​中。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Once you have tiles in a folder, you just have to click the folder to expand it.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Then, you can click any tile inside to launch the app. Click the arrow above the folder to collapse it again.

然后,您可以单击内部的任意图块以启动应用程序。 单击文件夹上方的箭头再次将其折叠。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

If you want to remove tiles from a folder, drag them back out of the folder and drop them directly on your Start menu. You could also unpin the tile from your Start menu and then pin it back again if dragging them out is too awkward.

如果要从文件夹中删除磁贴,请将其拖出文件夹,然后将其直接放在“开始”菜单上。 您也可以从“开始”菜单中取消固定图块,然后再将其拖出(如果将它们拖出太尴尬)。

如果您不喜欢,请删除所有活动瓷砖 (Remove All Live Tiles if You Don’t Like Them)

If you don’t like the tiles on your Start menu at all, you can remove them. Just right-click each one and then click “Unpin from Start” until they’re all gone.

如果您根本不喜欢“开始”菜单上的图块,则可以将其删除。 只需右键单击每个,然后单击“从开始取消固定”,直到它们全部消失。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

After you unpin the last tile, you can resize the Start menu horizontally by grabbing its right edge and dragging until the tile section disappears. You’re then left with just a nice, trim list of apps.

取消固定最后一个图块后,您可以通过抓住右边缘并拖动直到图块部分消失来水平调整“开始”菜单的大小。 然后,您只剩下一个不错的应用清单。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

更改开始菜单(和任务栏)颜色 (Change the Start Menu (and Taskbar) Color)

You can easily change the color of your Start Menu and Taskbar. Head to Settings > Personalization > Colors to get started. Windows lets you pick a single accent color from a preselected group, or you can fine tune the accent color you want by clicking the “Custom Color” button. Just click any color you want to use. You can also let Windows pick an accent color for you based on your current background wallpaper by selecting the “Automatically pick an accent color from my background” option.

您可以轻松更改“开始”菜单和任务栏的颜色。 转到设置>个性化>颜色开始。 Windows使您可以从预选组中选择一种强调色,也可以通过单击“自定义颜色”按钮微调所需的强调色。 只需单击您要使用的任何颜色。 您还可以通过选择“从我的背景自动选择一种强调色”选项,让Windows根据当前背景墙纸为您选择一种强调色。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

After picking an accent color, your next step is choosing where that accent color gets used. Scroll down a bit to the “More Options” section. Your two options here are “Start, taskbar, and action center” and “Title bars.” The first option uses the accent color as the background for your Start menu, taskbar, and action center and also highlights certain items on those elements—such as app icons on the Start menu—with the same accent color. The second option uses the accent color for the title bar of your active window.

选择一种强调色后,下一步就是选择该强调色的使用位置。 向下滚动到“更多选项”部分。 这里的两个选项是“开始,任务栏和操作中心”和“标题栏”。 第一个选项使用强调色作为开始菜单,任务栏和操作中心的背景,并使用相同的强调色突出显示这些元素上的某些项目(例如“开始”菜单上的应用程序图标)。 第二个选项为活动窗口的标题栏使用强调色。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Unfortunately, the Start menu, taskbar, and Action Center elements are grouped for color selection, and you can’t make them different colors. We do, however, have a quick registry hack that can at least let you keep a black background on your Start menu and action center. The second option uses the accent color on the title bar of active windows, though we also have another hack for you if you want to use the accent color on inactive windows, as well.

不幸的是,“开始”菜单,任务栏和“操作中心”元素已分组以进行颜色选择,并且您不能将它们设置为不同的颜色。 但是,我们确实有一个快速的注册表黑客,至少可以让您在“开始”菜单和操作中心上保留黑色背景 。 第二个选项使用活动窗口标题栏上的强调色,尽管如果您也想在不活动窗口上使用强调色 ,我们也有另一种技巧。

Back on the Colors personalization screen, you’ll also find a “Transparency effect” option for making your Start menu, taskbar, and action center transparent or not. This option does not affect the accent color if it’s used on those elements.

返回到“颜色”个性化设置屏幕,您还将找到一个“透明效果”选项,以使“开始”菜单,任务栏和操作中心透明。 如果在这些元素上使用了强调色,则此选项不会影响其颜色。

And finally, you can enable a dark mode for settings and apps. While this app mode setting doesn’t affect every app, we do have some tricks you might enjoy for using a dark theme almost everywhere in Windows 10.

最后,您可以为设置和应用启用暗模式。 尽管此应用程序模式设置不会影响每个应用程序,但在Windows 10中几乎所有地方 ,我们都会为您提供一些使用暗色主题的技巧。

控制您的应用列表在“开始”菜单上的显示方式 (Control How Your App Lists Appear on the Start Menu)

By default, your Start menu displays several of your recently installed, most used, and suggested apps, followed by a list of all the apps installed on your system.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

If you don’t like these—say you’d rather just see your full list of apps without having to scroll for it—all three sections are easy to turn off. Head to Settings > Personalization > Start. Look for the “Show app list in Start menu,” “Show recently added apps,” and “Show most used apps” options and turn off any you don’t want to see on your Start menu.

如果您不喜欢这些工具(例如,您只想查看完整的应用程序列表而不用滚动即可),那么可以轻松关闭所有三个部分。 转到设置>个性化>开始。 查找“在“开始”菜单中显示应用程序列表”,“显示最近添加的应用程序”和“显示最常用的应用程序”选项,然后关闭所有不想在“开始”菜单上看到的内容。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

选择出现在开始菜单上的文件夹 (Choose Which Folders Appear on the Start Menu)

The User, Documents, Pictures, Settings, and Power options are now tucked away in a tiny column on the far left of the Start menu. Click the button at the top left of the Start menu to expand this column.

现在,“用户”,“文档”,“图片”,“设置”和“电源”选项被藏在“开始”菜单最左侧的小栏中。 单击开始菜单左上方的按钮以展开此列。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

You can see those same options with their full names and also a lot of nice, inviting open space above them. You can add stuff to that space.

您可以看到具有相同全名的相同选项,并且在它们上方还有很多不错的,吸引人的开放空间。 您可以向该空间添加内容。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Head to Settings > Personalization > Start. On the right, scroll all the way to the bottom and click the “Choose which folders appear on Start” link.

转到设置>个性化>开始。 在右侧,一直滚动到底部,然后单击“选择在“开始”中出现哪些文件夹”链接。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Choose whatever folders you want to appear on the Start menu.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

And here’s a side-by-side look at how those new folders look as icons and in the expanded view.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法
自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

使用全屏开始菜单 (Use a Full-Screen Start Menu)

On the other hand, if you really like the tiles and miss the full-screen Start experience from Windows 8, you can have the Start menu always open full screen. Head to Settings > Personalization > Start. Turn on the “Use Start full screen” option.

另一方面,如果您真的很喜欢磁贴并错过Windows 8的全屏启动体验,则可以使“开始”菜单始终打开全屏。 转到设置>个性化>开始。 打开“使用开始全屏显示”选项。

自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Now, whenever you open your Start menu, you will see it in all its full-screen glory.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

从您的应用列表中删除建议的应用 (Remove Suggested Apps from Your App List)

As you’ve used your Start menu, you’ve probably noticed the occasional suggestions for apps you might want to install appear in your app list.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

To get rid of those, all you have to do is head to Settings > Personalization > Start and turn off the “Occasionally show suggestions in Start” option.


自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法

Note that these suggested apps are different than the preinstalled apps and ads—like Candy Crush—that you also likely don’t want. To get rid of those, you’ll need to right-click each one and uninstall it. And while you’re at it, you might want to look at how to disable all of Windows 10’s built-in advertising.

请注意,这些建议的应用程序与您可能不希望的预装应用程序和广告(如Candy Crush)不同。 要摆脱这些漏洞,您需要右键单击每个漏洞并将其卸载。 在使用它时,您可能想看看如何禁用Windows 10的所有内置广告

And don’t forget: if you don’t like the Windows 10 Start menu at all, you can return to the glory days of Windows 7—and still keep much of the Windows 10 functionality—with a Start menu replacement like Start10 or ClassicShell.

并且不要忘记:如果您根本不喜欢Windows 10的“开始”菜单,则可以返回Windows 7的辉煌岁月,并且仍然保留许多Windows 10功能,并可以通过替换Start10ClassicShell开始菜单。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/197836/8-ways-to-customize-the-windows-10-start-menu/