tvb news_Microsoft News是一款干净的应用程序,用于在移动设备上浏览和阅读新闻,提供暗模式...

tvb news_Microsoft News是一款干净的应用程序,用于在移动设备上浏览和阅读新闻,提供暗模式...

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tvb news_Microsoft News是一款干净的应用程序,用于在移动设备上浏览和阅读新闻,提供暗模式...

Microsoft News is a clean, fast way to browse a variety of headlines, and even offers a dark mode. It’s brand new today on Android and iPhone/iPad.

Microsoft新闻是一种浏览各种标题的干净,快速的方法,甚至提供了暗模式。 今天,它在Android和iPhone / iPad上是全新的。

MSN quietly remains one of the biggest portals on the web, boosted in no small part by its status as the homepage in Internet Explorer and Edge. The engine behind MSN’s news, called Microsoft News, combines AI with human curation to put together headlines from a variety of services.

MSN安静地仍然是Web上最大的门户之一,其作为Internet Explorer和Edge主页的地位在很大程度上得到了提升。 MSN新闻背后的引擎称为Microsoft News,它将AI与人类策展相结合,汇集了各种服务的头条新闻。

Microsoft News app brings that curation to mobile. Partnerships with various news outlets means that articles open quickly inside the app when you tap them, and there are all kinds of topics you can scroll through. There’s even a prominently featured Good News tab, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Microsoft News应用程序将这种策划带入了移动领域。 与各种新闻媒体建立合作伙伴关系意味着,当您点击文章时,它们会在应用程序内快速打开,并且您可以滚动浏览各种主题。 如果您喜欢这种事情,甚至还有一个突出的“好消息”选项卡。

The experience that feels very similar Google News’ recent revamp, but in some ways it’s more straight forward than that. Check this out if you’re looking for a new way to browse headlines on your phone. Social networks are a terrible way to get news, after all.

感觉与Google新闻最近的改版非常相似,但在某些方面比这更直接。 如果您正在寻找一种新的方式来浏览手机上的标题,请查看此内容。 毕竟, 社交网络是获取新闻的一种糟糕方式


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