



There comes a time in every user’s life when they have to reset something back to its factory default. Perhaps the device is acting wonky and needs a fresh start, you’re getting rid of it, or you want a clean slate for some other reason. The good news is that it’s incredibly easy to factory reset your Android TV box, regardless of the manufacturer.

在每个用户的生活中都有一段时间,他们必须将某些内容重置为其出厂默认设置。 也许该设备表现不佳,需要重新启动,或者您打算摆脱它,或者出于某些其他原因希望获得一个干净的状态。 好消息是,无论制造商如何,将您的Android电视盒出厂重置都非常容易。

The first thing you’ll want to do is jump into the Settings menu by heading to the bottom of the home screen and selecting the cog icon.



From there, find and select the “Storage & rest” option.



This menu is simple, as there are only two choices: “Internal storage” and “Factory data reset.” You want the latter.

该菜单很简单,因为只有两个选择:“内部存储”和“恢复出厂数据”。 您想要后者。


Depending on which box you’re using, there could be a few options here. For example, Nexus Player will just offer “Full reset” and “Cancel” options, where NVIDIA’s SHIELD also has a “Fast reset“ option. Select the one that makes the most sense for your situation—if you plan on getting rid of the box completely, always do a ”Full reset.“

根据您使用的是哪个框,此处可能有一些选项。 例如,Nexus Player将仅提供“完全重置”和“取消”选项,而NVIDIA的SHIELD也具有“快速重置”选项。 选择一种最适合您的情况的方法-如果您打算完全摆脱困境,请始终执行“完全重置”。


Once you’ve selected the desired option, there will be one more screen confirming that you’re sure that’s what you want to do. Select “OK” (or whatever the confirmation for your particular box is) to get started.

选择所需的选项后,将出现另一个屏幕,确认您确定要执行此操作。 选择“确定”(或您所选择的特定框的确认框)以开始使用。


Depending on the amount of storage your device has, this could take quite a while. My 500GB SHIELD notes that a factory reset could take up to two hours. The good news is you don’t have to sit around and watch it—the process is pretty much on autopilot anyway. You could go outside or something. I hear it’s nice out there.

根据您设备的存储量,这可能需要一段时间。 我的500GB SHIELD指出,恢复出厂设置最多可能需要两个小时。 好消息是您不必坐在那里看着它-无论如何,该过程几乎都是自动驾驶。 你可以去外面等等。 我听说那里很好。

Factory resetting any Android device is simple, but an oft-necessary part of being a responsible owner. Even if you plan on keeping the box, it’s always good to know how to start fresh if things seems to be going awry.

工厂重置任何Android设备都很简单,但是成为负责任的所有者通常是必不可少的一部分。 即使您打算保留盒子,如果事情似乎出现问题,知道如何重新开始也总是很好的。

