



Yep, it's a fact. Here's the proof.

是的,这是事实。 这是证明

I took the exam almost a month ago but waited so that most of the details are erased from my memory, so that I don't accidentally violate the exam's rules which state that you should not reveal information about the exam.


So I took the exam at a discounted price - just about a 100 Canadian dollars (1 CAD < 1 USD). There was a PHP conference in town , guys from Zend were attending and as part of the conference, Zend were offering the exam at such a price. I even get to speak to the guy himself, I mean Daniel Kushner, the guy responsible for the certification and the education at Zend.

因此,我以折扣价参加了考试-大约100加元(1加元<1美元)。 镇上有一个PHP会议 ,来自Zend的家伙都参加了会议,并且作为会议的一部分,Zend以此价格提供考试。 我什至可以自己和这个家伙说话,我是说Daniel Zushner ,负责Zend认证和教育的那个家伙。

There were a few surprises during the exam, both in terms of the exam questions and the administration of the exam.


The first surprise was that the test was paper based. My guess is that this was because the exam was administered as part of the conference, in a hotel, and not in a specially designed VUE test center. Well, actually there was another surprise before that and this was that one had to have a zend.com account and a registration ID in order to take the exam. I don't know if that has something to do with the fact that the exam was not administered in "normal" test center. Anyway, Daniel gave me his laptop so I was able to register pretty quickly.

第一个惊喜是测试是基于纸的。 我的猜测是,这是因为考试是作为会议的一部分在酒店而不是在专门设计的VUE测试中心进行的。 好吧,实际上在那之前还有另一个惊喜,那就是一个人必须拥有zend.com帐户和注册ID才能参加考试。 我不知道这与考试不是在“正常”考试中心进行管理有关。 无论如何,丹尼尔给了我他的笔记本电脑,所以我能够很快注册。

The actual exam surprise was that I didn't have enough time! I've always been a fast test taker and have always completed the tests well before my classmates and I've always wondered why it takes them so much. It's either you know something or you don't. Well, in most cases. Well, it's actually either you think you know it or you don't. Or you don't remember. Or something ???? Whatever. Then in addition to that, I've read a blog posting about this guy who said he completed the test in no time and then had enough time to go back and change most of the answers. So I expected to have enough time and I decided to play it safe and just "pencil" my answers on the answer sheet with a small dot and then to go back and review the answers. Well, the time was passing and I still haven't completed all the questions, so I gradually started filling out the circles completely when I was sure about my answer. In any event, I spent the last 5 or 10 minutes of the exam just filling out circles. I didn't have time to review any of my answers. I thought it's either the exam questions are too difficult or I'm just getting old. There was a total of 70 questions and I had hour and a half to complete the exam. So this makes a minute or so per question. In the last 10 questions you were expected to write down the answers as text, they were not just multiple-answers.

真正的考试惊奇是我没有足够的时间! 我一直是快速的应试者,并且总是在同学之前就完成了考试,而且我一直想知道为什么要花那么多时间。 是要么您知道什么,要么您不知道。 好吧,在大多数情况下。 好吧,实际上是您认为自己知道或不知道。 否则你不记得了。 something随便什么。 除此之外,我还读了一篇关于这个人的博客,他说他很快就完成了测试,然后有足够的时间回去更改大多数答案。 因此,我希望有足够的时间,所以我决定安全地玩,只是在答案纸上用小点“写下”我的答案,然后返回并查看答案。 好吧,时间过去了,我仍然没有完成所有问题,所以当我确定自己的答案后,我逐渐开始完全填写圈子。 无论如何,我花了考试的最后5或10分钟来填补圈子。 我没有时间复习我的任何答案。 我以为这是考试题太难了,还是我才刚老。 总共有70个问题,我有一个半小时完成考试。 因此,每个问题大约需要一分钟。 在最后的10个问题中,您应该将答案写下为文本,而不仅仅是多个答案。

So my overall impression is that the exam should not be underestimated and some questions were a bit time-consuming. Not that you need to do calculations or something, but when it comes to regexps or several string functions combined... OK, I've said enough. In any case, I don't think there were trick questions (or I was tricked so I didn't notice) but there were a few occasions when I was sure a spotted the correct answer and I was finding even more correct ones ????

因此,我的总体印象是,考试不应被低估,有些问题会很耗时。 并不是说您需要进行计算或执行某些操作,而是涉及到正则表达式或多个字符串函数的组合……好吧,我已经说够了。 无论如何,我认为没有棘手的问题(或者我被骗了,所以我没有注意到),但是在某些情况下,我确定发现正确的答案,而我却找到了更正确的答案????

Good luck to everyone who is preparing for the exam! I'll keep on blogging on exam-related topics, I even have some unfinished blog entries from back then when I was preparing for the exam. And when I come across an interesting php tidbit that looks "examie" I'll make sure I drop it here. In case you haven't read my previous blog entries from back then when I was preparing for the exam, here's the PHP certification category.

祝所有准备考试的人好运! 我将继续撰写有关考试相关主题的博客,甚至在我准备考试时,还有一些未完成的博客条目。 当我遇到一个有趣的php花絮时,它看起来像“检查”,我将确保将其放在此处。 如果您还没有从以前阅读过我以前的博客条目,那么当我准备考试时,这里是PHP认证类别

So again good luck to everybody who's preparing for the exam! You can do it!

因此,再次感谢准备考试的每个人! 你能行的!

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/zend-certified-engineer/
