ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

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Today Apple announced that iOS 11 will launch on September 19, and with it the official release version of the ARKit framework. Soon developers will be able to publish Unity ARKit apps to the App Store, unlocking hundreds of millions of users worldwide.

苹果今天宣布,iOS 11将于9月19日发布,并带有ARKit框架的正式发行版。 很快,开发人员将能够将Unity ARKit应用发布到App Store,从而释放全球数亿用户。

Since the original announcement of ARKit at WWDC and the launch of our Unity ARKit plugin back in June, we’ve seen an incredible response from the community. We have worked side-by-side with developers, listening and making constant improvements to our plugin based on their feedback. We have been inspired by the apps and experiences that you have started to create. In fact, some apps made with Unity were shown at the Apple Event today, such as Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade by Pixel Toys, an action-packed sci-fi game rendered in the real world.

自从WWDC上ARKit的最初发布以及6月我们的Unity ARKit插件发布以来,我们已经收到了社区的惊人回应。 我们与开发人员并肩工作,根据他们的反馈倾听并不断改进我们的插件。 您开始创建的应用程序和体验启发了我们。 实际上,一些使用Unity制作的应用程序已在今天的Apple Event上展出,例如《 Pixel Toys的Warhammer 40,000:Freeblade》,这是一款在现实世界中呈现的动感十足的科幻游戏。

We’ve also seen hundreds, if not thousands, of Made with Unity ARKit experiments and demos — here are some of our favorites:

我们还看到了成百上千个(即使不是成千上万个)Made with Unity ARKit实验和演示-这是我们的一些最爱:

This is just the beginning. We know there is a lot more amazing content coming — here’s a sneak preview of a few Made with Unity ARKit apps, which we expect to launch this fall:

这仅仅是开始。 我们知道将会有更多令人惊叹的内容-以下是一些Unity制作的Unity ARKit应用的预览,我们预计将在今年秋天推出:

  • ARQUA by Cabbibo — an AR aquarium creation tool produced by Viacom Next


  • Walking Dead: Our World by Next Games – location-based AR zombies

    《行尸走肉:未来游戏的世界 》-基于位置的AR僵尸

  • Splitter Critters by RAC7 Games – a puzzle game with some AR-exclusive levels

    RAC7 Games的Splitter Critters –具有一些AR专有级别的益智游戏

  • Mammoth Mini Golf from — a game made with ARKit which brings a wacky caveman-themed world of mini-golf right into your home

    来自Ezone.com的Mammoth Mini Golf-用ARKit制作的游戏,将怪异的穴居人主题的迷你高尔夫世界带入您的家中

  • GNOG by KO_OP — a 3D puzzle game set in a world of toys and secrets which transforms your tabletop into a magical toy box, bringing a new level of tactile, physical interaction to its captivating world

    KO_OP制作的GNOG — 3D益智游戏,集玩具和秘密于一身,将您的桌面变成一个神奇的玩具盒,为引人入胜的世界带来了全新的触觉,物理互动

ARQUA by Cabbibo


ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用
ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用



ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

 Mammoth Mini Golf by

Ezone.com的Mammoth Mini Golf

The Unity ARKit plugin provides developers with friendly access to ARKit’s features: motion tracking, live video rendering, plane finding and hit-testing, ambient light estimation, raw point cloud data, and more. There are also convenient Unity components to simplify the creation of new AR apps, or easy integration of AR features in existing Unity projects.

Unity ARKit插件为开发人员提供了对ARKit功能的友好访问:运动跟踪,实时视频渲染,平面查找和命中测试,环境光估计,原始点云数据等。 还有方便的Unity组件,可以简化新AR应用程序的创建,或在现有Unity项目中轻松集成AR功能。

新的ARKit插件功能 (New ARKit Plugin Features)

Unity’s ARKit Plugin has an exclusive capability that will save developers hours of development time: the Unity ARKit Remote. This tool speeds up iteration by allowing you to make changes to the scene and debug scripts in the Unity Editor, in real-time, without having to build to the device.

Unity的ARKit插件具有一项专有功能,可以节省开发人员数小时的开发时间: Unity ARKit Remote 。 该工具允许您实时更改场景并在Unity编辑器中调试脚本,而无需构建设备,从而加快了迭代速度。

Our plugin now supports access to the following new functionalities:


  • Light estimation for ambient color temperature, in addition to the ambient intensity

  • Specifying your own User Anchors

  • Receiving events when the tracking state has changed

  • Event notifications for when an AR session is interrupted or resumes


We have included many new examples to help you get up and running on your AR project fast, including:


  • Scaled content (imagine a city in your living room)

  • Focus Square (a UI element to show where to place objects)

    Focus Square(用于显示对象放置位置的UI元素)

  • ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

    Occlusion (shader and material that will hide virtual objects behind real ones) 


  • ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

    Shadow (shader and material to ground your virtual object in the real world)


开始使用Unity构建ARKit应用 (Get Started on Building Your ARKit App With Unity)

ios arkit_准备在iOS11上启动您的ARKit应用

The Unity ARKit Plugin is available now as a package from the Asset Store. It is also available as an open-source repository on BitBucket, where you can join us in making it even better! Head over to the forums to learn how to get started or if you have any questions.

Unity ARKit插件现在可以从Asset Store中软件包的形式获得 。 它也可以作为BitBucket上的开源存储库提供,您可以在其中加入我们,以使其变得更好! 前往论坛以学习入门或有任何疑问

System Requirements


Please see the file in the bitbucket repository for complete details. Note that the ARKit Plugin requires:

有关完整的详细信息,请参见bitbucket存储库中的README.md文件。 请注意,ARKit插件需要:

  • Unity 5.6.2 or later (Unity 2017.1 or later recommended)

    Unity 5.6.2或更高版本(建议使用Unity 2017.1或更高版本)
  • iOS 11 or later (You can sign up for the iOS 11 beta through Apple’s website)

    iOS 11或更高版本(您可以通过Apple的网站注册iOS 11 Beta)

  • Xcode 9 or later, with iOS SDK that includes the ARKit framework

    Xcode 9或更高版本,带有包含ARKit框架的iOS SDK
  • iOS device that is supported by the ARKit framework


We can’t wait to see your brand new ARKit apps up on the App Store!

我们迫不及待想在App Store上看到您全新的ARKit应用!


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